
Traditional education

According to the author, what is wrong with the traditional education in terms of facilitating the development of children?


  • 张少寒
    Traditional education often relies on a one - size - fits - all approach to teaching, which may not be effective for all students. This approach can fail to account for individual differences inl learning styles and strengths and may leave some children feeling left behind or disengaged from the learning process.


  • 何湘231440054
    Traditional education often relies on a one - size - fits - all approach to teaching, which may not be effective for all students . This approach can fail to account for individual differences in learning styles and strengths and may leave some children feeling left behind or disengaged from the learning process .Besides,the workshop, the laboratory, the materials, the tools with which the child may construct, create, and actively inquire, and even the requisite space, have been for the most part lacking.


  • 傅新杰
    Traditional education often relies on a one-size - fits- all approach to teaching, which may not be effective for all students. This approach can fail to account for individual differences in learning styles and strengths and may leave some children feeling left behind or disengaged from the learning process . Besides, the workshop, the laboratory, the materials, the tools with which the child may construct, create, and actively inquire, and even the requisite space, have been for the most part lacking.


  • 何琪
    First of all the education content is same which surprises children's interest and secondly there is a league of cats with the real world


  • 丁禹贺
    T raditional education often relies on a one - size - fits - allapproach to teaching, which may not be effective for allstudents. This approach can fail to account for individual differences in learning styles and strengths and may leave somechildren feeling left behind or disengaged from the learningprocess . Besides, the workshop, the laboratory, the materials,the tools with which the child may construct, create, and actively inquire, and even the requisite space, have been for themost part lacking.


  • 舒蜓
    First of all the educational content is single which is a praise children's interests Secondly there is a lack of cats with the real world


  • 渐潇阳
    First of all, the educational content is single, which suppresses children's interests, and secondly, there is a lack of kian zi with the real world.


  • 罗晶耶
    It is all made “for listening”—because simply studying lessons out of a book is only another kind of listening; it marks the dependency of one mind upon another.


  • 吴旭伟
    Traditional education often relies on a one - size - fits - all approach to teaching, which may not be effective for all students . This approach can fail to account for individual differences in learning styles and strengths and may leave some children feeling left behind or disengaged from the learning process .Besides,the workshop, the laboratory, the materials, the tools with which the child may construct, create, and actively inquire, and even the requisite space, have been for the most part lacking.


  • 荣英豪
    It m ay be too focused on academic performanc e, neglecting the comprehensive developm ent of children's abilities. It also may not provide enough personalized learning experiences, and it ca n be too dependent on standardized tests.
