    Bad behavior and lack of education

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  • 《大学》有言:先修身,后齐家,后治国,然后平天下。《三国志》也说道:勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。但偏偏有的人为了一时之利,一己之私,罔顾整个飞机人员的安全,在航班上大打出手;冲上跑道,影响飞机的安全起飞。往小的说是个人修养的问题,往大了说是教育的缺失。自己都没有修养成健全的人格,又如何来为整个社会的健康发展做贡献,更别谈平天下了。社会的建设需要人才,但是更需要高修养、高素质,能设身处地为他人着想的人才。

    "Don't do to others what you would not have them do to you. Never commit a sin, no matter how petty it is." We all know the truth of this proverb, but many people still can't behave himself well. For example, some people rush into airstrip in order to say "good bye" to their lovers, which ignores other's safety and rights. In terms of such event, on the one hand, it's about personal upbringing; on the other hand, it's a lack of education. Although our society has a huge desire of talented people, however, we have a larger demand of educated people.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 许多人把教育狭隘地理解为获取技术和知识的手段,而不是健全人格的培养。我认为这是问题的真正所在。试想如果越来越多的人只关切自己的权益,而从来不愿意为整个社会的健康做出贡献,那么我们将生活在一个什么样的社会呢?

  • 目录
    • 行为不端乃教育之缺失
    • Bad behavior and lack of education