
Tess--Chapter 4


4. What job did Mrs d’Urverville offer Tess to do in the letter? What happened on the way to Trantridge and how did Tess feel? 



  • 用户701569
    Helping manage the chicken farm: Tess had her hat blown off and felt something was wrong with Alec.


  • 海外院第一深情
    In the letter, Mrs. d'Urberville offered Tess a job as a lady's companion; on the way to Trantridge, Tess was raped by Alec, leaving her feeling violated and desperate.


  • 宋清如
    Mrs Deverville's letter gives Tess the job of helping her manage the chicken farm, and on the way to Trantridge, she feels something is wrong with Alec (Mrs Deverville's son), which makes her resist going to work at the Deverville house.


  • 用户701559
    Feed the chicken. The man forced Tess to hug him and ask for a kiss. Tess got out of the carriage on the pretext of picking up a hat.


  • 用户701559
    Feed the chicken. The man forced Tess to hug him and ask for a kiss. Tess got off the bus on the pretext of picking up a hat.


  • L_jihyeon
    Raise chickens; Alec whips the horse, the carriage goes so fast that Tess's hat blows off, and Acrylic tries to kiss Tess, who is frightened and leaves


  • 梁燕怡
    Raise chickens.Tess dropped her hat on the way there.


  • 还没想好叫什么
    Raising chickens. Alec drove the carriage with deliberate speed, forcing Tess to kiss him.


  • 李小梁Jadon Lee
    李小梁Jadon Lee
    Tess stood outside the cottage door until the workmen had collected their wages, and then Marlene took her inside and introduced her. It seemed that the farmer himself was not at home that night, and his wife took care of everything; She asked Tess, and knew that Tess would work till the Old Calendar Day: the new calendar had been adopted in England since 1752, but there were still parts of the country which counted the days by the old calendar. Madonna's Day is one of the four feast days of the British year, in order to commemorate the Virgin Mary by the angel Gabriel informed Jesus to come into the world, according to the new calendar is March 25, according to the old calendar is April 6, she was hired. Since few female workers were willing to work at that time, and female workers were cheaper, it was naturally more advantageous to employ female workers in jobs that could be done equally by men and women.


  • Ray
    Mrs. d'Urberville gave Tess the job of raising chickens. On the way, Alec d'Urberville whipped the horse, the carriage was getting faster and faster, and Tess was scared. She asked him to slow down and ignored her. Tess kept screaming. Because of fear, she grabbed Alec's arm. Alec d'Urberville let Tess hug him. Tess was reluctant at the beginning. He has been trying to kiss Tess. Tess cried in despair. The wind blew the hat away. She jumped out of the carriage and picked up the hat to leave Alec.
