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  • 在“脱俗”的克兰福德,形形色色的人们是如何生活的呢?快进来看看有什么惊喜!

  • 内容简介
  • 《克兰福德》是盖斯凯尔夫人的第二部小说。作者以其细腻而独特的风格,别具匠心地为我们描绘出一个清奇古貌的世界——克兰福德,成为十九世纪初叶英国一般偏僻、闭塞、守旧、落后的乡村小镇的典型。可爱温柔的马蒂小姐遇到困难时,大家都想帮她。虽然马蒂小姐在生活中遇到很多不幸,但也有一个惊喜在等待着她……作者通过自己敏锐的观察,记录了将木未木的英格兰封建女性末裔的形象;艺术地再现了当时小镇的风俗人情和道德风尚。

    A portrait of the residents of an English country town in the mid nineteenth century, Cranford relates the adventures of Miss Matty and Miss Deborah, two middle-aged spinster sisters striving to live with dignity in reduced circumstances. Through a series of vignettes, Elizabeth Gaskell portrays a community governed by old-fashioned habits and dominated by friendships between women. Her wry account of rural life is undercut, however, by tragedy in its depiction of such troubling events. Written with acute observation, Cranford is by turns affectionate, moving and darkly satirical.

  • 作者简介
  • 伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔(1810-1865)原名伊丽莎白•克莱格亨•斯蒂文森,是世纪英国著名女作家,给后世留下了《玛丽•巴顿》(1848)、《露丝》(1853)、《克兰福德》(1853)、《南方与北方》(1855)、《西尔维亚的恋人》(1863)、《菲利表妹》(1864)、《妻子和女儿》(1866)六部长篇小说以及大量的短篇小说、书信和杂文。

  • 目录
    • 1.我们的社会
    • 2.上尉
    • 3.很久以前的一段恋情
    • 4.可怜的彼得
    • 5.“尊敬的夫人”
    • 6.布鲁诺尼先生
    • 7.突然的消息
    • 8.真正的朋友
    • 9.幸福归来
    • ACTIVITIES Before Reading
    • ACTIVITIES While Reading
    • ACTIVITIES After Reading
    • 1 Our society
    • 2 The captain
    • 3 A love-affair of long ago
    • 4 Poor Peter
    • 5 'Your ladyship'
    • 6 Signor Brunoni
    • 7 Sudden news
    • 8 True friends
    • 9 A happy return
    • ACTIVITIES Before Reading
    • ACTIVITIES While Reading
    • ACTIVITIES After Reading