今天的reading assignment是
1. The Bhagavad Gita Book p78-82 "The War Within"
2. Iliad Book 6 lines 119-236 Glaucus and Sarpedon exchanging armor
3. 《说岳全传》第十五回 第十九回
1) Why did Arjuna refuse to fight amidst a war?
2) Why did Glaucus and Sarpedon exchange armor with each other, rather than fight?
3) 第十五回:金国老狼主为何不喜欢兀术?
Eva.Shang1 He did not want to fight his own blood line for he thinks that may bring corruption to his own troop and country once the bond of relative is broken. Also, warfare as a pinishment toward his own blood is against his moral judgement. 2 They sease fight and exchange armors as a symbol of friendship inherented by their ancestors. No matter how harsh the war between Trojans and Greece become, their personal relashionship will not be effected. 3兀术酷爱南朝文化,与女真文化格格不入,在老狼主眼里觉得攻打宋朝这种责任交给他不放心。 4这个理解不深 期待老师课上的讲解 金国王室没有宋朝的团结 四王子可以私自纳九皇子为义子,金王室私邢比较严重,从对二帝的处罚和把李若水砍成肉泥可以看出
1)Because he thought that there was no satisfaction for killing Dhritarashtra's sons who were belonged to members of his own family in his mind.
He saw evils in battle and the misery of battle.
2) As a symbol of friendship that decended from their ancestors to exchange their armor. They didn't fight with each other because there were also plenty of people from hostile army could be slaughtered for proving their believes and loyaties.
兀术在番邦 却喜欢南朝书史 南朝人物 甚至学穿南朝衣服
4)宋国文人以李若水为代表 沉浸在宋国梦中 始终认为金只是“贼” 非常瞧不起他们 始终不愿意平等看待 沉浸在梦中不想醒来
宋国尚文 但是腐朽顽固是没有避免的事情
金偏武 金人相对果断 因为目标一致 所以比较团结 且为达目的可以不择手段 比较残忍
1.Because he noticed that many relatives of him were in enemies troop and he was not dare to fight against his families, therefore, he refused to fight.
2. After the dialogue, they suddenly realized that their forefathers had built a friendship between each other. It is their duty to inherit the friendship by exchanging their armor as a symbol of reconciliation.