



Milk might not be good for you: Harvard scientist claims sweeteners added to cartons cancel out health benefits, low-fat chocolate milk does more harm than good, eating other calcium-rich foods is a more healthy substitute.


Milk doesn’t always do your body good, and can actually be harmful, according to a prominent doctor.

The age-old adage that drinking milk is one of the keys to good health received a strong rebuttal from Harvard pediatrician David Ludwig. In a paper published Monday, Ludwig argued that dairy products with added sweeteners are a detriment to one’s health and that drinking less milk isn’t necessarily a bad idea, provided you eat certain foods.

‘Americans are consuming billions of gallons of milk a year, presumably under the assumption that their bones would crumble without them,’ Ludwig wrote in an article published in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics.

Got milk: Supermarkets are chock full of milk, which Americans down by the billions of gallons per year

US government recommendations of three glasses of milk a day are what Ludwig is crusading against, especially low-fat chocolate milk.

‘The worst possible situation is reduced-fat chocolate milk: you take out the fat, it’s less tasty,’ Ludwig wrote in the article. "’So to get kids to drink 3 cups a day, you get this sugar-sweetened beverage.’

虽然,一直以来关于“喝牛奶是健康关键”的说法得到广泛流传,然而,据英国《每日邮报》报道称,美国哈佛大学(Harvard University)在最新研究中指出,牛奶并不总是对人的身体健康有好处。

哈佛大学儿科医生大卫·路德维希(Dr. David Ludwig)是此次研究的负责人。他在周一发表的论文指出,如今的乳制品增加了过多糖分,对人体有害。他建议,少喝牛奶、多吃其他含钙食品,更有利健康。


根据美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture)分析,一杯学校午餐常用的牛奶中含有158卡路里热量,其中64卡来自固体脂肪和额外增加的糖分。而如果是一杯1%低脂不加甜味剂的牛奶,则只含102卡热量,其中只有18卡来自固体脂肪。


在美国,政府推荐国民每天饮用3杯牛奶。而作为波士顿儿童医院(Boston Children’s Hospital)防止过度肥胖中心(New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center)总监,路德维希认为,正常人无需每天喝足3杯牛奶,依照日常饮食习惯适当喝1~3杯即可。

On cup of the school lunch staple has 158 calories, of which 64 come from solid fats and added sugars, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. A cup of unsweetened, low-fat 1% milk has only 102 calories, of which 18 come from solid fats.

Choose wisely: Low-fat chocolate milk is not a healthy substitute for plain low-fat milk, and is best to avoid, according to Harvard's David Ludwig

Though many Americans drink reduced (2%) or low-fat milk, many are under the false impression that drinking sweetened milk or yogurt is a way to avoid saturated fat and have a better tasting product. They are misguided, and actually doing more bad than good, according to Ludwig.

Citing numerous other calcium-rich foods, Ludwig - who is also the director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital - argues that people with high-quality diets may be able to cut their consumption of milk in half, if not completely.

Less is more: Some people might be better off drinking little to no milk, depending on their diet

‘On a gram for gram basis, cooked kale has more calcium than milk. Sardines, nuts, seeds, beans, green leafy vegetables are all sources of calcium,” wrote Ludwig.

For those who prefer their calcium in solid green form, one cup of cooked kale has 94 milligrams and a cup of cooked spinach has 245 milligrams of the bone-fortifying nutrient, according to the USDA. One cup of low-fat milk has 314 milligrams.



