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  • 1952年12月5日,大雾笼罩着整个伦敦城。这不是普通的冬季雾气,而是煤炭燃烧产生的二氧化硫等污染物在城市上空蓄积的结果。伦敦冬季多使用燃煤采暖,市区内还分布有许多以煤为主要能源的火力发电站。伦敦的大雾连续五天弥漫在城市上空。能见度极低,汽车或被限制通行,或在交警的指挥下开着车灯前进。至今,这仍是“英国最为严重、最致命的雾霾污染事件”。《每日电讯报》称,直到“殡仪馆的人说他们用完了所有的棺材,花店卖完了所有的鲜花”后,雾霾的危害才变得异常明显。接下来的三个月,据估计约13000人死于呼吸道并发症。


    On Dec. 5, 1952, a thick layer of fog settled over the streets of London, blanketing the city. This was no ordinary wintery mist, but rather a noxious haze of sulfur dioxide from coal-fired industrial factories and cookstoves in London homes. London's Great Smog hung in the air for five consecutive days; visibility was reduced to mere feet and cars were abandoned or led off the road by police with traffic flares. It was the “nation's worst air pollution disaster” and remains the deadliest smog event on record. According to *The Telegraph*, the devastation the smog wrought “only became apparent when undertakers reported that they were running out of coffins and florists had sold all their flowers.” In the following three months, an estimated 13,000 people died of respiratory complications.

    The hazy scenes of London's Great Smog bear a striking resemblance to modern-day images of China's urban centers on their most polluted days. And though China has never had an event to match those four days in London, its pollution problem is persistent and pervasive. In 2010, air pollution contributed to 1.2 million deaths in China. Between 1981 and 2001, particulate levels in its major cities were five times greater than what the United States experienced before 1970. And the problem is worsening at an incredible rate. In 2009, the concentration of particulate pollution in the Chinese city of Harbin averaged 101 micrograms per meter, according to the World Health Organization. Four years later, in October 2013, levels were up tenfold, a new record.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 北京长期受灰黄空气困扰,已是众所周知。然而,最近一段时间,就连一些过去比较干净的城市也进入严重污染的城市之列,有些地方甚至不得不因空气污染宣布取消航班,学校停课,车辆禁行。


  • 目录
    • 雾霾来袭:中国vs.伦敦
    • 中国媒体在一片雾霾中寻找光明
    • The Desolation of Haze
    • Chinese media find silver linings in smog clouds