    Treasures from Old Holland in New Amsterdam

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  • 纽约弗里克收藏馆举办的“维米尔、伦勃朗与哈尔斯:来自莫瑞泰斯皇家美术馆的荷兰名画展览”于近期闭幕。展品包括十五幅从海牙莫瑞泰斯皇家美术馆借出的十七世纪荷兰名画,海牙莫瑞泰斯皇家美术馆目前正在闭馆改建。这场巡展(已经到过旧金山、亚特兰大、东京,下一站是博洛尼亚)非常火爆,观展的人常常绕着大楼排成一圈一圈的长队。


    The Frick Collection in New York recently closed its Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Hals: Masterpieces of Dutch Painting from the Mauritshuis exhibition of fifteen seventeenth-century Dutch paintings on loan from the Hague museum, which is currently closed for remodeling. The show (which has already been to San Francisco, Atlanta, and Tokyo, and opens next in Bologna) was a blockbuster, with visitors regularly forming lines wrapping around the building.

    I saw the exhibition near the end of its run, and can attest that the attention was well-deserved, and not just because this was likely the only chance many in the New York area would ever have to see these works. Among the paintings on view, more than one were drop-dead stunners. Much attention was naturally paid to Vermeer’s "Girl with a Pearl Earring", which is incredibly more arresting in person than it is in reproduction.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 纽约曾经是荷兰的殖民地,在荷兰人最先取得这块土地的统治权之后,为其取名新阿姆斯特丹。英国人在1664年进军攻打该城,不久后,新阿姆斯特丹被命名为新约克郡,简称纽约。然而,富裕的纽约商人和银行家似乎对荷兰社会倍感亲切,虽然美国人也会在国际艺术品市场上抢购意大利和法国的作品,但是荷兰大师创作的美丽的风景画、华丽的静物画以及细腻的肖像画却更符合美国人的喜好和品味。本期内容讲述的便是纽约弗里克收藏馆举办的一场荷兰名画展览。

  • 目录
    • 老荷兰之宝现身“新阿姆斯特丹”
    • Treasures from Old Holland in New Amsterdam