• 内容简介
  • 纽约被《旅行+休闲》杂志的游客读者们评为美国35个国际都市中最脏的一个。




    New York has been named the dirtiest out of 35 American metropolitan areas by the out-of-towners who read Travel + Leisure magazine.

    An American website put together a list of the cities where tourists can spot the hottest men, with surprising Stockholm, in Sweden, coming out top.

    The cost of living the Australian dream has surged with Sydney and Melbourne among the five most expensive cities in the world, outstripping most European and US locations.

    Australia may have been trounced by Britain at the Olympics but its dejected sports stars can take some comfort from the fact that their cities have been judged far better places to live.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 曾经有一部很火的电视剧叫“北京人在纽约”,纽约作为美国的中心城市,是许多人向往的去所,然而纽约却被游客和读者们评为了美国35个国际都市中最脏的一个。


  • 目录
    • 【最脏城市】纽约被评为美国最脏城市 游客称有尿骚味
    • 【最帅城市】十大帅哥城市排行 斯德哥尔摩居首
    • 【最贵城市】2013全球最贵城市 澳城市成“新贵”
    • 【最宜居城市】墨尔本获评最宜居城市 伦敦跌出前50
    • [Dirtiest City]New York named dirtiest US city by tourists: report
    • [Most Handsome City]Top ten cities for eye-candy? Stockholm leads the way
    • [Most Expensive City]Australian dream gets costly as cities outprice Europe, US
    • [Most Livable City]London slips down list of best cities despite glorious Olympics