• 内容简介
  • 我们都喜爱那些自己从小吃到大的食物,但也会去尝试那些从未尝过的食物。一部家喻户晓的电视纪录片将焦点放在了令中国人自豪的烹饪传统上。对于拍摄纪录片而言,食物大概不会排在首选主题之列。


    We all love the food we grow up on, but we also seek adventure in the food we have never tasted. A hugely popular TV documentary series puts the spotlight on a culinary tradition that should make China proud. Of all the subjects fit for documentary filmmaking, food is probably not high on the priority list.

    There have been a smattering of fictional feature films with food as the main theme, such as Ang Lee's Eat Drink Man Woman - but food in such films is the icing on the cake, while the human drama is the cake, per se. That's why A Bite of China has been such a surprise hit since first appearing on our TV screens in 2012.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 饮食文化是文化认同的一个关键部分,铭刻在我们身上。在一个定居的时代,人们从小到大吃的都是身边的食物,很难有机会吃到他乡的食物。人们对自己家乡的食物情有独钟,就算移居也常常会带上。在《舌尖上的中国》中,这种情况被歌颂为一种美德,或是思乡之情。

  • 目录
    • 《舌尖上的中国》与饮食文化
    • Bon Appetite