• 内容简介
  • 对于庆祝圣诞节的人而言,每年这个时候都是光彩夺目的时节,那些景象、歌声和香味能瞬间将节日带入你的脑海。我们大多数人小时候家里都放过真正的圣诞树,只要一嗅到刚砍下的新鲜杉树的味道就能立刻置身于节日的氛围中。我对圣诞节的嗅觉记忆混合了松针、内墙蛋壳乳胶漆、烤派,以及崭新塑料玩具和电子产品的独特气味。不过曾有一个时期,尤其是在欧洲,圣诞季的经典气味之一当属圣诞节啤酒。


    For those of us who celebrate Christmas, this time of year is resplendent with sights, songs, and smells that bring the holiday instantly to mind. Most of us who grew up with a real Christmas tree in the house are instantly transported by the smell of a freshly cut fir tree. My olfactory memory of Christmas blends pine needles, interior latex eggshell paint, pies baking, and the unique smell of brand new plastic toys and electronics. At one time, though, especially in Europe, one of the classic smells of the Yuletide was Christmas ale.

    Almost all of them are dark, or at least go for a rich amber color suggesting heartiness. They also tend to be stronger than average, ranging from 5.5% at the low end to more than 14% for age-worthy after-dinner beers. At one time, especially in England, Christmas ales were often spiced and sometimes mulled. Wines, ales, and ciders were often served this way around the holidays and were referred to collectively as wassail, a drink often consumed while caroling. Today, many American craft breweries produce spiced ales at the holidays, harking back to the old tradition.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 美酒和美食向来是节日里的重头戏,作为人类最古老的酒精饮料,啤酒可以和形形色色的美食搭配,产生奇妙的作用。有的啤酒口味清冽爽口,适合在一天中较早的时候喝,与早午餐搭配;有的啤酒别具风味,适合搭配火鸡和火腿,为正餐增色……


  • 目录
    • 圣诞节啤酒
    • 吉尼斯黑啤简史
    • Christmas Beers
    • A pint of Guinness