• 内容简介
  • The Shuttle, formerly known as the Kidderminster Shuttle, is a free weekly newspaper distributed to households in the Wyre Forest area of Worcestershire, England on a Thursday. In the Stourport area it was known as the Stourport News, and there was also a paid-for edition, the Kidderminster Times; all three papers have had identical editorial content since 2005 although each had its own masthead front page until April 2006. Since then all three papers have been renamed as The Shuttle incorporating the Kidderminster Shuttle, the Kidderminster Times and the Stourport News. The local office in Stourport was closed at the same time.

  • 作者简介
  • 弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特,英语世界家喻户晓的儿童文学作家,出生于英国曼彻斯特一个五金工厂主的家庭。1853年父亲去世,母亲继续经营,直到工厂倒闭。 1865年随全家移民美国田纳西州。1872年与伯内特博士(Dr. S.M.Burnett)结婚,育有二子。1910年,正式成为美国公民。伯内特为十九世纪英美极负盛名的小说家兼剧作家,她一生创作丰富,作品包括小说、故事集、舞台剧本等,其中最受欢迎、也最被重视的,分别是《小少爷方特罗伊》《小公主》与《秘密花园》三本小说,书中充满了许多童趣与浪漫的情节,内容多着重人性光明面的描写,作品曾多次被改编成电影、电视剧,并广受各阶层读者喜爱,是英美文学史上最重要的女作家之一。

    Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English playwright and author. She is best known for her children's stories, in particular Little Lord Fauntleroy (published in 1885-6), A Little Princess (1905), and The Secret Garden (1916).