• 导读
  • 最后一片藤叶,是对生命的讴歌,也是对人性的赞美!

    Johnsy has fallen ill and is dying of pneumonia. She watches the leaves fall from a vine outside the window of her room, and decides that when the last leaf drops, she too will die. In the night, a very bad storm comes and wind is howling and rain is splattering against the window. In the morning, Johnsy wants to see the vine, to be sure that all the leaves are gone, but to their surprise, there is still one leaf left.Johnsy believes that the leaf stayed there to show how wicked she was, and that she sinned in wanting to die. She regains her will to live, and makes a full recovery throughout the day. The doctor says that Mr. Behrman has come down with pneumonia and, as there is nothing to be done for him, he is being taken to the hospital to be made comfortable in his final hours. A janitor had found him helpless with pain, and his shoes and clothing were wet and icy cold. The janitor couldn't figure out where he had been on that stormy night, though she had found a lantern that was still lit, a ladder that had been moved, some scattered brushes, and a palette with green and yellow colors mixed on it.

  • 内容简介
  • 穷画家琼珊得了重病,在病房里看着窗外对面墙上的常春藤叶子不断被风吹落,她认为最后一片叶子代表她,最后一片叶子的凋谢代表自己的死亡,失去了生存的意志。医生认为再这样下去琼珊会死去。贝尔曼,一个伟大的画家,在听完苏艾讲述室友琼珊的事情后,夜里冒着暴雨,用心灵的画笔画出了一片“永不凋落”的常春藤叶,让琼珊重拾生存的意志,对生命充满希望,而自己却因此患上肺炎,去世了。文中作者着力挖掘和赞美小人物的伟大人格和高尚品德,展示他们向往人性世界的美好愿望。最后一片叶子的故事,让我们着实为琼西的命运紧张了一番,为苏的友谊感叹了一回,为贝尔曼的博爱震撼了一次。

    The Last Leaf is a short story by O. Henry. Set in Greenwich Village, it depicts characters and themes typical of O. Henry's works.Johnsy has fallen ill and is dying of pneumonia. She watches the leaves fall from a vine outside the window of her room, and decides that when the last leaf drops, she too will die. To encourage her, Mr. Behrman painted the last leaf in the stormy night but he himself died of pneumonia.

  • 作者简介
  • 欧•亨利是其笔名,原名为威廉•西德尼•波特(William Sydney Porter)。美国著名批判现实主义作家,世界三大短篇小说大师之一。曾被评论界誉为“曼哈顿桂冠散文作家”和“美国现代短篇小说之父”。他的作品构思新颖,语言诙谐,结局常常出人意料,其中一些名篇如《爱的牺牲》、《警察与赞美诗》、《带家具出租的房间》、《贤人的礼物》、《最后一片藤叶》等使他获得了世界声誉。

    William Sydney Porter (September 11, 1862—June 5, 1910), known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American writer. O. Henry's short stories are known for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever twist endings. The best known ones are A Service of Love, The Cop and the Anthem, The Furnished Room, The Gift of the Magi and The Last Leaf, which help him win fame abroad.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 作为一位风格独特的作家,欧·亨利的作品幽默风趣,文笔简练。他善于捕捉生活中细小而又富于哲理的充满戏剧性的细节,从细微之处入手去勾勒人物,语言形象,他笔下的人物真实、充满人性、有血有肉、栩栩如生。

  • 媒体书评
  • 欧·亨利是20世纪初美国最著名的短篇小说家之一,曾被誉为短篇小说家之父。描写小人物是欧·亨利的短篇小说最引人注目的内容,其中包含了深厚的人道主义精神。在他的笔下,穷人有着纯洁美好的心灵、仁慈善良的品格、真挚深沉的爱情。

    O. Henry's stories are gems of their kind; mellow, humorous, ironic, ingenious and shot through with that eminently salable quality known as 'human interest.'" —Bennet Cerf and Van Cartmell

  • 目录
    • 最后一片藤叶
    • The Last Leaf