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  • 《海浪》是伍尔夫创作力达到鼎盛时期的作品,出版于1931年。这部高度诗意化、抽象化、程式化的实验作品没有严格意义上的故事,倒更像是一部由九个乐章构建而成的音乐作品。


    The Waves, first published in 1931, is Virginia Woolf's most experimental novel. It consists of soliloquies spoken by the book's six characters: Bernard, Susan, Rhoda, Neville, Jinny, and Louis. Also important is Percival, the seventh character, though readers never hear him speak through his own voice. The monologues that span the characters' lives are broken up by nine brief third-person interludes detailing a coastal scene at varying stages in a day from sunrise to sunset.

    As the six characters or "voices" alternately speak, Woolf explores concepts of individuality, self, and community. Each character is distinct, yet together they compose a gestalt about a silent central consciousness. The novel follows its six narrators from childhood through adulthood. Woolf's novel is concerned with the individual consciousness and the ways in which multiple consciousnesses can weave together.

  • 内容简介
  • 海浪的升起和沉落就好像是人们的一生,人们从生到死的过程也都是像海浪一样在不断沉浮。本书取名海浪正是此意,将人生的全部岁月与一天的时间结构互相对应起来,像一部配合完美的乐章,本书是一本体味人生的不可多得的作品。


    Just like the tide keeps its course, life has its ups and downs. It is really a good work through which you appreciate what is real life.

    The Waves, first published in 1931, is Virginia Woolf's most experimental novel. The 21st Century author and critic Becky Nordensten has described The Waves as a "beautiful novel with language and imagery unmatched in 20th Century English literature."

  • 作者简介
  • 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf,1882年1月25日—1941年3月28日)。英国小说家、散文家、批评家,被誉为二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋。最知名的小说包括《达洛维夫人》、《灯塔行》、《雅各的房间》。

    Adeline Virginia Woolf (25 January 1882—28 March 1941) was an English writer, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century.

    Her most famous works include the novels Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929), with its famous dictum, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."

  • 编辑推荐
  • 仔细地阅读伍尔夫的作品而后才发现,《海浪》被誉为伍尔夫的“三大杰作”之一不无根据。相对于《到灯塔去》及《达洛维夫人》来说,这部小说有一种格外奇特的魅力。伍尔夫与另两位同样倡导意识流的文学巨匠——乔伊斯及普鲁斯特是截然不同的,伍尔夫的风格是独一无二的。正因为如此,才给我们到达《海浪》思想核心深处设置了一道难以逾越的鸿沟。

  • 媒体书评
  • 世界第一部真正意义上的科幻小说。




    The 21st Century author and critic Becky Nordensten has described The Waves as a "beautiful novel with language and imagery unmatched in 20th Century English literature."

  • 目录
    • 海浪
    • The Waves