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  • 世间纷繁,唯有精神屹立不倒,而西方精神皆起源于此。

  • 内容简介
  • 《旧约》究竟是什么?它和希伯来圣经有什么区别?天主教、东正教和新教各自的圣经又有什么不同?古代近东文献的发现对解读圣经有何意义?《旧约》是如何将历史和神话结合在一起的?考古发现以及其他非圣经证据对解读《旧约》有何帮助?著名的圣经学者迈克尔·库根以广阔的视角深入探讨了《旧约》的方方面面,引领我们走进《旧约》——这一集史书、文学作品和圣经典籍于一身的经典之作。

    Eminent biblical scholar Michael D. Coogan offers here a wide-ranging and stimulating exploration of the Old Testament, illuminating its importance as history, literature, and sacred text.Coogan explains the differences between the Bible of Jewish tradition (the "Hebrew Bible") and the Old Testament of Christianity, and also examines the different contents of the Bibles used by Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Christians, and Protestants. He looks at the rise of modern biblical scholarship as well as the recovery of ancient Near Eastern literatures and their significance for biblical interpretation. Coogan explores the use of invented dialogue and historical fiction in the Old Testament, the presence of mythic elements in apparently historical accounts, and the relationship of ancient Israelite myths to those of their neighbors. The book considers the Old Testament's idea of divine justice, especially in Ecclesiastes and Job, and looks at notions of the afterlife in the ancient Near East and in ancient Israel. Coogan highlights the significance of the history and literature of the Old Testament and describes how non-biblical evidence, such as archaeological data and texts, has placed the Old Testament in a larger and more illuminating context. The book also discusses law and ritual in the Bible as well as the biblical understandings of prophecy.Here then is a marvelous overview of one of the great pillars of Western religion and culture, a book whose significance has endured for thousands of years and which remains vitally important today for Jews, Christians, and Muslims worldwide.

  • 作者简介
  • 迈克尔·库根,美国石山学院宗教学教授,哈佛大学闪族博物馆出版总监,美国圣经研究领军人物。著述等身,主编《新牛津注释版圣经》(第三版),同时也是《宗教百科全书》、《哈珀-柯林斯圣经辞典》等权威工具书的撰稿人。

    Michael Coogan is Lecturer in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at Harvard Divinity School and Director of Publications for the Harvard Semitic Museum. He has also taught at Stonehill College, Wellesley College, Boston Colle, the University of Waterloo, and Fordham University. One of the leading biblical scholars in the United States, he is editor of The New Oxford Annotated Bible, and is a contributor to such standard reference works as The Encyclopedia of Religion, HarperCollins Bible Dictionary, and The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Collaborative works that he conceived and edited include The Oxford Companion to the Bible, The Illustrated Guide to World Religions, and The Oxford History of the Biblical World.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 第一章 旧约是什么?
    • 第二章 读经虽难,释义有道
    • 第三章 旧约与历史
    • 第四章 神话还是神的话?
    • 第五章 出埃及考
    • 第六章 “遵守我的诫命”——旧约律法
    • 第七章 以色列——“礼仪”之邦
    • 第八章 先知有话要说
    • 第九章 希西家与西拿基立
    • 第十章 诗歌体裁与神义问题
    • 第十一章 “赞美名人”——旧约英雄儿女
    • 第十二章 旧约的影响
    • 大事年表
    • 附录