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  • 囊括影响美国历史进程的大小事件的极简之书。

  • 内容简介
  • 从最初发现新大陆时期的殖民地,到奥巴马当选总统的当今美国,《美国简史》从政治、文化、社会、宗教、科技等多维度展现了美国三百多年来的发展历程。本书虽为简史,却囊括了影响美国历史进程的大小事件,且视角客观,既论及光明和发展,又不回避黑暗和耻辱:殖民地时期,反对欧洲帝国压迫的同时伴随着对印第安人的驱逐;建国之父们将自由和平等写进宪法,妇女和非裔美国人却花了漫长的时间才取得与白人男性同等的权力;一面奉行孤立主义力图避免卷入国际纷争,一面又在各大洲扮演国际警察的角色……

    In a miracle of concision, Paul S. Boyer provides a wide-ranging and authoritative history of America, capturing in a compact space the Here is a masterful picture of America's achievements and failures, large-scale socio-historical forces, and pivotal events. Boyer sheds light on the colonial era, the Revolution and the birth of the new nation; slavery and the Civil War; Reconstruction and the Gilded Age; the Progressive era, the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression; the two world wars and the Cold War that followed; right up to the tragedy of 9/11, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the epoch-making election of Barack Obama. Certain broad trends shape much of the narrative--immigration, urbanization, slavery, continental expansion, the global projection of U.S. power, the centrality of religion, the progression from an agrarian to an industrial to a post-industrial economic order. Yet in underscoring such large themes, Boyer also highlights the diversity of the American experience, the importance of individual actors, and the crucial role of race, ethnicity, gender, and social class in shaping the contours of specific groups within the nation's larger tapestry. And along the way, he touches upon the cultural milestones of American history, from Tom Paine's The Crisis to Allen Ginsberg's Howl.

    full story of our nation. Ranging from the earliest Native American settlers to the presidency of Barack Obama, this Very Short Introduction offers an illuminating account of politics, diplomacy, and war as well as the full spectrum of social, cultural, and scientific developments that shaped our country. 

  • 作者简介
  • 保罗·S.博耶是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的历史教授,曾任人文科学研究所所长。主编过《美国历史小百科》(2001),与他人合著《巫术的社会根源》(1974),出版过专著《原子时代的美国思想和文化》(1985)等。

    Paul S. Boyer was Merle Curti Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A leading authority on American history, his writings span the social origins of the Salem witchcraft outbreak to the cultural impact of the atomic bomb and the political implications of Bible prophecy belief in contemporary America. A history textbook author and editor of reference works, including The Oxford Companion to United States History, he published in many general-interest periodicals. He also appeared on PBS, BBC, the History Channel, and the Discovery Channel, and lectured at some 100 colleges and universities in the United States, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, and Switzerland.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 前言
    • 第一章 发端:1763年前早期史
    • 第二章 1763—1789:革命、制宪和新共和国的诞生
    • 第三章 1789—1850:新共和国的希望与隐忧
    • 第四章 1850—1865:奴隶制与美国内战
    • 第五章 1866—1900:工业化及其后果
    • 第六章 1900—1920:改革与战争
    • 第七章 1920—1945:从冲突到全球大国
    • 第八章 1945—1968:富足与社会动荡
    • 第九章 当代美国