
  • 作   者:

    提摩太·H. 林

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  • 解读死海古卷诸多问题,还原历史本来面目。

  • 内容简介
  • 作为20世纪全球最惊人、最激动人心的一大发现,死海古卷自发现之日起就成了一个传奇,一个难解的谜。但死海古卷究竟讲了些什么?是怎么发现的?它是什么样的抄本?抄写人是谁?抄写于何时?它对《圣经》的理解有什么影响?它和犹太教、基督教又是什么关系?本书作者深入种种迷雾背后,以幽默风趣的语言,从考古研究、古文书学、文本考证、文献学、语言学和古代圣经注解等角度娓娓道来,解答了有关死海古卷的诸多问题,还原了历史的本来面目,有助于读者全面认识死海古卷。

    Everyone has heard of of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but amidst the conspiracies, the politics, and the sensational claims, it can be difficult to separate myth from reality. Here, Timothy Lim explores the cultural and historical background of the scrolls, and examines their significance for our understanding of the Old Testament and the origins of Christianity and Judaism. Lim tells the fascinating story of the scrolls since their discouvery; their cultural context through the archaeology and history of the Dead Sea region. He explains the science behind their deciphering and dating, and does not omit the cast of characters, scandals, and controversies that have hastened the scrolls' rise to the status of cultrual icon.Beginning with their discovery in the 1940s, through the political, legal, and scholary controversies that still persist today, public interest in the Dead Sea Scrolls has remained exceptionally high. This is an accessible and well-written mini-history that will appeal to anyone interested in the true history of these fascinating documents.

  • 作者简介
  • 提摩太·H. 林,爱丁堡大学《希伯来圣经》和第二圣殿犹太教教授。他是公认的死海古卷研究专家,古卷国际编辑团队成员,参与编辑制作了古卷文本的主要版本。他还编辑了《死海古卷电子参考图书馆》的第一卷,编辑和撰写了多部著作,其中包括《库姆兰注释与保罗书信中的圣经》(1997)、《历史语境中的死海古卷》(2000)和《排舍瑞姆》(2002)。

    Timothy Lim is Reader in Hebrew and Old Testament Studies at the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, and is a widely recognized expert in the field. His research has ranged from aspects of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, to sectarianism, the history of the calendar, and ancient science. He is the author of Holy Scripture in the Qumran Commentaries and Pauline Letters (OUP, 1997), and is Principal Editor of Volume 1 of the official digitised edition of the scrolls entitled The Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Reference Library (1997, OUP and Brill Academic Publishers). He has made numerous media appearances to promote the public understanding of religion.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 译者序
    • 第一章 作为文化标志的死海古卷
    • 第二章 考古遗址与山洞
    • 第三章 古卷与残片
    • 第四章 理解《希伯来圣经》的新信息
    • 第五章 谁之古卷?
    • 第六章 来自库姆兰图书馆的文字作品
    • 第七章 历史语境中的库姆兰-艾赛尼宗团
    • 第八章 库姆兰宗团
    • 第九章 库姆兰宗团的宗教信仰
    • 第十章 古卷与早期基督教
    • 第十一章 最伟大的抄本发现
    • 附录 迄今未知的文本