• 导读
  • 让荣格教会你如何认识自己,如何引领他人探索自助之路。

  • 内容简介
  • 为什么说英雄神话是成人仪式的象征?“人格面具”和“阴影”如何作为部分人格影响我们的成长和发展?个体之间心理类型的差异究竟何在?应该怎样释梦,又该怎样进行心理治疗?更重要的是,我们如何展开个体化的进程,尽可能地在我们文化的限度之内成为一个完善的人?精神世界的宏伟壮丽堪比夜间撒满星斗的天穹,“能与心中的宇宙相等同的只有外部的宇宙”。这本小书语言简明易懂,分析深刻感人,是了解荣格思想的入门之选。

    This is the most lucid and timely introduction to the thought of Carl Gustav Jung available to date. Though he was a prolific writer and an original thinker of vast erudition, Jung lacked a gift for clear exposition, and his ideas are less widely appreciated than they deserve to be. Now, in this extremely accessible introduction, Anthony Stevens--one of Britain's foremost Jungian analysts--clearly explains the basic concepts of Jungian psychology: the collective unconscious, complex, archetype, shadow, persona, anima, animus, and the individualization of the Self. A small masterpiece of insight and concision, this volume offers a clear portrait of one of the twentieth century's most important and controversial thinkers.

  • 作者简介
  • 安东尼·史蒂文斯,毕业于牛津大学,杰出的荣格分析学家、精神病学家和荣格学说著述家,除了医学博士学位之外,还拥有两个心理学学位。其他著作包括:《原型:自性的自然史》(1982)、《论荣格》(1990)、《私人的神话:梦和做梦》(1995)和《阿里阿德涅的线索:人类象征指南》(1998)等。

    Dr. Anthony Stevens is an internationally respected analyst, psychiatrist and author.A graduate of Oxford University, he has a Doctorate in Medicine and two degrees in psychology. He is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and a senior member of the Independent Group of Analytical Psychologists. Anthony Stevens is the author of numerous books and papers on psychology, psychotherapy, evolutionary psychiatry and the contribution of analytical psychology to healing and the enhancement of life.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 前言
    • 第一章 其人及其心理学
    • 第二章 原型与集体潜意识
    • 第三章 生命的阶段
    • 第四章 心理类型
    • 第五章 梦
    • 第六章 治疗
    • 第七章 对荣格所谓反犹主义的指责
    • 第八章 结语
    • 译后记