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  • 抑郁症,精神分裂……带你走进那些你不了解的精神疾病。

  • 内容简介
  • “唯一正常的人,是你不太了解的人。”什么是精神病学?它为何腹背受敌,逃不脱易遭误用和滥用的争议?精神疾病是家庭造成的吗?抑郁症等精神疾病的诊断标准都有哪些?欢迎来到一个既神秘又激动人心的医学领域,在这里,脑科学的进步不断迎头撞上人类混乱的现实;欢迎来到这样一种活动,虽然各种扫描仪和新型药层出不穷,它仍然基于建立信任的人际关系;欢迎来到这样一种追求,它不断挑战我们怎样成其为一个真正的人。

    Psychiatry is increasingly a part of everyday life. The growing number of patients being diagnosed with depression, ADD, alcoholism, and other illnesses mean that few people are not touched by it. This book provides a valuable and comprehensible introduction to the subject. It starts with the history of its development as a scientific field, including the identification of major mental illnesses, the rise and fall of the asylum system, and the flourishing of psychoanalysis and other psychotherapies. More than any other branch of medicine, psychiatry has been attacked and criticized. There is a long list of perceived horrors--patient abuse, bizarre medical experiments, mind-control by evil governments, coercion by maniacal hypnotists. Modern psychiatry brings with it new controversies, such as the perceived over-prescription of antidepressants and behavior modifiers for children and teens, or unchecked marketing power of drug companies. This book does not draw conclusions on these issues, but rather provides the reader with a clear understanding of what psychiatry is, and what it does, so that they can draw their own. It is a great reference for anyone with an interest in mental illness and its treatment, students of psychiatry, medicine, psychology, and history of science, and health professionals.

  • 作者简介
  • 汤姆·伯恩斯,牛津大学社会精神病学教授,英国国家医疗服务执业的精神科顾问医师。他的著作包括《精神卫生的主动式外展服务:从业者手册》(2002,合著)和《社区精神卫生队伍:现行方法导论》(2004),均由牛津大学出版社出版。曾作为精神病学顾问为议会委员会审查《英国精神卫生法案》,并于2006年因在精神卫生方面的贡献获得大英帝国司令勋章。

    TOM BURNS went to Edinburgh University as a Research Lecturer in Social Studies in 1949, and 15 years later was a founding member of the university’s Department of Sociology. He was appointed Professor in 1965, also serving as Head of Department.

    He taught and practised sociology with vigour and imagination. Organisations, which he saw as collaborative systems, fascinated him and he was a committed researcher, whose comments on the research process remain of great value. Even as a senior professor he remained a hands- on interviewer in a range of contexts: including industry, the BBC and the NHS.

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 前言
    • 第一章 精神病学是什么?
    • 第二章 收容院和精神病学的起源
    • 第三章 走进社区
    • 第四章 精神分析和心理治疗
    • 第五章 内外夹击下的精神病学
    • 第六章 肆意滥用
    • 第七章 进入21世纪