Nature: The Living Record of Science (volume III) (physics) contains and translates essays published by the international academic journal Nature from 1934 to 1945, which reproduces the development of physics in this period, and shows that researchers in the field of physics have been trudging hard and exploring continuously.
- 以太漂移实验和地球绝对运动的确定
- 一种新放射性元素的人工制造
- 正电子
- 由高速质子产生的感生放射性
- 正电子的命名
- 通过重氢观察到的嬗变效应
- 锡膜的超导电性
- 超导体中的持续电流
- 光的速度
- 探测小质量中性粒子的尝试
- “中微子”
- 氘核的蜕变
- 中微子
- 无液氢预冷的绝热法氦液化
- 中子的质量
- 超导电性的解释
- 核组成的现代思想
- 由中子轰击引发的放射性
- 原子序数大于92的元素的可能生成
- 量子理论中的137/136因子
- 质子中子之间的交换力与费米理论
- 中子和质子的相互作用
- 一种“核的光效应”:γ射线引发的氘核蜕变
- 量子力学和物理实在
- 铀的同位素构成
- 量子理论的基本佯谬
- 测不准原理和谐振子的零点能
- 与质子碰撞而导致的中子慢化
- 液态氦在λ点以下的黏度
- 液氦Ⅱ的流动
- 液氦的λ现象和玻色-爱因斯坦简并
- 将介子(中间粒子)定为一种中间质量新粒子的名字
- 对β衰变数据的解释
- 液氦
- 由中子引起的铀衰变:一类新型核反应
- 介子和核力理论
- 中子轰击导致重核分裂的物理证据
- 介子理论中的基本长度
- 嬗变产生的能量
- 自然规律的起源、宗旨和经济性:物理学的极小原理
- 短程和高能中量子理论的“失败”
- 铀核爆炸时中子的释放
- 铀核的裂变产物
- 钍核裂变的新产物
- 铀核裂变时释放的中子数量
- 液氦II中的表面传输
- 铀核裂变中链式反应的控制
- 伴随铀核裂变的中子发射
- 重核裂变:一种新型的核蜕变
- 在热中子诱发的铀核裂变中释放出的中子的能量
- 连续能量区域的核反应
- 铀核的快中子散射与可能源于裂变的中子发射
- 核同质异能性的最新实验结果
- 少女峰和海平面处的重宇宙射线粒子
- 宇宙射线的“电离暴”
- 光速的测定
- 铀核裂变时放出的放射性气体
- 介子散射与质子和中子的磁矩
- 介子向电子转化的证明
- 钍、铅和铀-238中热中子的俘获截面
- 相对论中的质心
- 核力的理论
- 稳定核的激发态
- 关于理论物理基础的思考
- 因果律还是非决定论?
- The Ether-Drift Experiment and the Determination of the Absolute Motion of the Earth
- Artificial Production of a New Kind of Radio-Element
- The Positron
- Production of Induced Radioactivity by High Velocity Protons
- Designation of the Positive Electron
- Transmutation Effects Observed with Heavy Hydrogen
- Supraconductivity of Films of Tin
- Persistent Currents in Supraconductors
- The Velocity of Light
- Attempt to Detect a Neutral Particle of Small Mass
- The "Neutrino"
- Disintegration of the Diplon
- The Neutrino
- Liquefaction of Helium by an Adiabatic Method without Pre-cooling with Liquid Hydrogen
- Mass of the Neutron
- The Explanation of Supraconductivity
- Modern Ideas on Nuclear Constitution
- Radioactivity Induced by Neutron Bombardment
- Possible Production of Elements of Atomic Number Higher than 92
- The Factor  in Quantum Theory
- Exchange Forces between Neutrons and Protons, and Fermi's Theory
- Interaction of Neutrons and Protons
- A "Nuclear Photo-effect": Disintegration of the Diplon by γ-Rays
- Quantum Mechanics and Physical Reality
- Isotopic Constitution of Uranium
- The Fundamental Paradox of the Quantum Theory
- Uncertainty Principle and the Zero-Point Energy of the Harmonic Oscillator
- The Slowing Down of Neutrons by Collisions with Protons
- Viscosity of Liquid Helium below the λ-Point
- Flow of Liquid Helium Ⅱ
- The λ-Phenomenon of Liquid Helium and the Bose-Einstein Degeneracy
- Mesotron (Intermediate Particle) as a Name for the New Particles of Intermediate Mass
- Interpretation of Beta-Disintegration Data
- Liquid Helium
- Disintegration of Uranium by Neutrons: a New Type of Nuclear Reaction
- Theory of Mesons and Nuclear Forces
- Physical Evidence for the Division of Heavy Nuclei under Neutron Bombardment
- The Fundamental Length Introduced by the Theory of the Mesotron (Meson)
- Energy Obtained by Transmutation
- Cause, Purpose and Economy of Natural Laws: Minimum Principles in Physics
- The "Failure" of Quantum Theory at Short Ranges and High Energies
- Liberation of Neutrons in the Nuclear Explosion of Uranium
- Products of the Fission of the Uranium Nucleus
- New Products of the Fission of the Thorium Nucleus
- Number of Neutrons Liberated in the Nuclear Fission of Uranium
- Surface Transport in Liquid Helium II
- Control of the Chain Reaction Involved in Fission of the Uranium Nucleus
- Emission of Neutrons Accompanying the Fission of Uranium Nuclei
- Fission of Heavy Nuclei: a New Type of Nuclear Disintegration
- Energy of Neutrons Liberated in the Nuclear Fission of Uranium Induced by Thermal Neutrons
- Nuclear Reactions in the Continuous Energy Region
- The Scattering by Uranium Nuclei of Fast Neutrons and the Possible Neutron Emission Resulting from Fission
- Recent Experimental Results in Nuclear Isomerism
- Heavy Cosmic Ray Particles at Jungfraujoch and Sea-Level
- Cosmic Ray Ionization Bursts
- Measurements of the Velocity of Light
- Radioactive Gases Evolved in Uranium Fission
- Scattering of Mesons and the Magnetic Moments of Proton and Neutron
- Evidence for Transformation of Mesotrons into Electrons
- Capture Cross-Sections for Thermal Neutrons in Thorium, Lead and Uranium 238
- The Mass Centre in Relativity
- The Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Excited States of Stable Nuclei
- Considerations Concerning the Fundaments of Theoretical Physics
- Causality or Indeterminism?
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记