《自然》百年科学经典(英汉对照版)(第八卷)(1993-1997) 物理学分册
    Nature: The Living Record of Science (Volume VIII) (Physics)

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  • ¥8.72

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  • 再现1993年-1997年物理学发展的波澜壮阔!

  • 内容简介
  • 《百年科学经典》(第八卷)(1993-1997) 物理学分册 收录并翻译了国际综合性学术期刊《自然》1993年至1997年期间发表过的物理学相关的精华论文,再现了这一时期物理学领域的飞速发展,展现了物理学领域的研究人员艰辛跋涉、不断探索的历史足迹。

    Nature: The Living Record of Science (volume VIII) (Physics) contains and translates essays published by the international academic journal Nature from 1993 to 1997, which reproduces the development of Physics in this period, and shows that researchers in the field of Physics have been trudging hard and exploring continuously.

  • 作者简介
  • 席林等科学家都是本套丛书这些经典文献的作者,本套丛书由著名美籍华裔物理学家、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者李政道担任总顾问,全国人大常委会副委员长、时任中科院院长路甬祥担任中方主编,《自然》杂志前任主编约翰·马多克斯爵士(Sir John Maddox)和施普林格·自然集团现任主编,《自然》杂志前任主编菲利普·坎贝尔(Sir Philip Campbell)担任英方主编。

    Sir John Maddox was the former editor-in-chief of Nature magazine. He was a famous physicist and also an experienced editor for he had worked for Nature magazine for 23 years.

    Philip Campbell is editor-in-Chief of Nature and of the Nature Publishing Group and the former editor-in-chief of Nature magazine. His areas of responsibility include the editorial content of Nature, and assuring the long-term quality of all Nature publications. He has a BSc in aeronautical engineering, an MSc in astrophysics and a PhD and postdoctoral research in upper atmospheric physics.

    Lu Yongxiang is a Chinese engineer and politician. He served as President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress.

  • 目录
    • 量子隐形传态实验
    • 无序介质中光的局域化
    • Experimental Quantum Teleportation
    • Localization of Light in a Disordered Medium