    Advanced Managerial Communication

  • 讲   师:

    • 尼尔·哈特曼
  • 学   校:


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  • 这门课程是建立在管理沟通技巧上的,而这些技巧是在为本科生开设的管理沟通课程(15.279)或者为管理者开设的沟通课程(15.280)里发展而来的。课程介绍交互式的口头表达和人际交往沟通技巧,而这些技巧对经理人来说是很重要的,包括:向不友好的听众做展示、倾听、帮助小组决策。课程想要达到的目标是,给你提供一个继续提高自己在不同背景下沟通技能的机会,特别是在互动式沟通中提供练习和反馈。

    This course builds on managerial communication skills developed in Management Communication for Undergraduates (15.279) or Communication for Managers (15.280). It introduces interactive oral and interpersonal communication skills important to managers, including: presenting to a hostile audience, running meetings, listening, and contributing to group decision-making.The goals of this class are to provide opportunities for you to continue polishing your communication skills in different contexts, and particularly to provide practice in and feedback on the interactive communication skills.

  • 课程简介
  • 管理沟通有利于经理人之间信息流通顺畅,以实现共同的目标。在有效的交流下,信息明了且利于理解。在本门课上,你会学到理论知识,也会拥有亲身实践的沟通训练,因而会极大地增强管理沟通技能。 本课程涵盖的话题有:沟通风格、倾听、非语言沟通、应对敌意、小组决策等等。

    Managerial Communication helps in the smooth flow of information among managers working towards a common goal. The message has to be clear and well understood in effective communication. In this course, your managerial communication skills will be significantly enhanced as a result of both theoretical insights and hands-on communication exercises. You are exposed to topics like communication styles, listening and nonverbal communication, handing hostility, group decision making and so forth.

  • 讲师简介
  • 尼尔•哈特曼是麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院管理沟通方面的一个高级讲师。他针对管理沟通和跨文化交际的教学强调团队合作、冲突和冲突解决、领导能力、以及跨文化交流。哈特曼讲过跨文化问题、领导力、组织沟通问题的课程,也在中国的清华大学、复旦大学、中山大学(岭南大学)的国际MBA课程执教过。同时,他还是CMI-Enterprises的主要发起人之一,这个项目由剑桥大学和麻省理工学院联合发起,同MIT斯隆学院和剑桥大学,以及其他欧洲大学的本科生一起努力,发展他们的创业技能。哈特曼获得南卡罗来纳大学的音乐理论及组成的学士学位,并获得该校高等教育管理的硕士学位。还是德克萨斯大学组织传播准博士。

    Neal Hartman is a Senior Lecturer in Managerial Communication at the MIT Sloan School of Management.His teaching of management communication and intercultural communication emphasizes working in teams, conflict and conflict resolution, leadership, and cross-cultural communication. Hartman has lectured on cross-cultural, leadership, and organizational communication issues, and has taught in the International MBA Programs at Tsinghua, Fudan, and Zhongshan (Lingnan College) Universities in China. He also serves as co-lead facilitator for CMI-Enterprises, which is part of the Cambridge-MIT Initiative, working with undergraduate students from MIT Sloan, Cambridge University, and other European universities to develop their entrepreneurial skills. Hartman holds a BA in music theory and composition and an MS in higher education administration from the University of South Carolina and an ABD in organizational communication from the University of Texas.

  • 目录
    • 第一课 积极的倾听和经过深思的反馈
    • 第二课 非语言交流
    • 第三课 有效陈述的关键
    • 第四课 说服持不同意见的听众
    • 第五课 不同文化间的交流
    • 第六课 跨文化变量[^advanced_managerial_communication_lecture6.zh_note1]
    • 第七课 不同文化间的交流(续)
    • Lecture 1 Active Listening and Reflective Responses
    • Lecture 2 Nonverbal Communication
    • Lecture 3 Keys to Effective Presentations
    • Lecture 4 Presentations to Hostile Audience
    • Lecture 5 Intercultural Communication
    • Lecture 6 Cross Cultural Variables[^advanced_managerial_communication_lecture6.en_note1]
    • Lecture 7 Intercultural Communication Cont.