    Communication Skills for Academics

  • 讲   师:

    • 乔安妮·耶茨
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  • 对那些致力于学术领域的人来说,作为一个学者,你的成功在很大程度上取决于你同领域中其他研究者之间、同一个部门或者大学的其他同事之间,与本科生和研究生之间,有时甚至是同非专业的公众之间进行交流的能力。良好的学术交流不仅要遵循所有好的沟通都必须遵循的基本规则(比如,根据特定听众的需求选择不同的沟通内容),而且还要遵守学科特有的规范。要是你的兴趣不局限于学术领域,为了更好地准备论文答辩,抑或仅仅是为了提高课堂展示的技能,你还是要来看看这个课程。

    For those who commit to academic area, your success as an academic will depend heavily on your ability to communicate to fellow researchers in your discipline, to colleagues in your department and university, to undergraduate and graduate students, and perhaps even to the public at large. Communicating well in an academic setting depends not only on following the basic rules that govern all good communication (for example, tailoring the message to meet the needs of a specific audience), but also on adhering to the particular norms of academic genres. Even though your interest doesn't lie in academic field, you may still want to have a look at this course for better preparation for your thesis defense or simply enhance your presentation skills.

  • 课程简介
  • 本课程目的有三:(1)使你熟悉有助于进行良好学术交流的途径;(2)为你提供练习学术交流技能的机会,并从你的同事以及我处获得广泛的反馈。你将会写/修改一篇学术刊物原稿或者会议论文草稿、上交一份会议论文或者工作面谈、为领域内其他学者写同行评审草稿以及参与各种各样的交流实践; (3)学习本课程将有机会了解学术企业相关的一系列活动的专业规范,如学术出版物出版程序,学术工作寻职的过程。

    The purpose of this course is threefold. First, the course will acquaint you with guidelines that will help you create well-crafted academic communication. Second, it will give you the opportunity to practice your communication skills and to receive extensive feedback from your colleagues and from me. You will write and/or revise an article manuscript or conference paper, present a conference paper or job talk, write a manuscript peer review, and engage in various other communication exercises. Third, the course will provide an opportunity for you to learn about professional norms for a range of activities that surround the academic enterprise, including, for example, the scholarly publication process and the job search process.

  • 讲师简介
  • 乔安妮•耶茨是麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院管理沟通方面的特聘教授。她获得德克萨斯基督教大学获得学士学位,北卡罗莱纳大学的硕士和博士学位。耶茨发展并传授经理人沟通的核心课程。其研究考察在现代和历史机构中,随着时间的推移通信与信息是如何影响技术和政策,又是如何被其影响的。在她关于当代组织的作品中,她同来自MIT斯隆学院信息技术小组的旺达•夫斯基以及很多学生、调查者合作,以研究团体组织是如何利用通信和信息技术,这些利用又是如何影响其工作的。其具体研究着眼于如电子邮件、即时消息传递、黑莓和企业博客等技术的使用。其最新历史书《结构化信息时代:的人寿保险和技术》为在很大程度上未被探究的信息处理演变史给出了深度的见解。

    Joanne Yates is the Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management and a Professor of Managerial Communication at the MIT Sloan School of Management. She holds a BA from Texas Christian University as well as an MA and a PhD from the University of North Carolina. Yates developed and taught in the Communication for Managers core course. Her research examines communication and information as they shape and are shaped by technologies and policies over time, in both contemporary and historical organizations. In her work on contemporary organizations, she collaborates with Wanda Orlikowski (of MIT Sloan’s Information Technology group) and various students and researchers to study how groups and organizations use communication and information technologies, and how that use shapes their work. Specific studies have looked at the use of technologies such as electronic mail, instant messaging, the BlackBerry, and corporate blogging. Her most recent historical book, Structuring the Information Age: Life Insurance and Technology in the Twentieth Century, provides insight into the largely unexplored evolution of information processing.

  • 目录
    • 第一课 怎么进行口头介绍
    • 第二课 怎样为原稿写同行评审
    • Lecture 1 Giving Oral Presentation
    • Lecture 2 Writing Peer Reviews of Manuscripts