    The Two-Second Advantage

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  • 优秀的大脑+优秀的系统=卓越的预测



    Talented Brains+Talented Systems=Accurate Predictions

    As it turns out, neuroscience and technology are today combining to make it possible for more accurate predictions to be made in many fields. The science of predictive analysis is becoming better established and applied. When these enhanced capabilities are combined with RFID sensors and reams of data which get generated by information technology, businesses are starting to have access to two-second-advantage technology.

    Forget about trying to build a computer that thinks like the human brain. That's yesterday's news. Instead, the challenge of the future is to become better at predictive analysis through a blend of talented brains and talented systems. If you can combine the right information at the right time and in the right context just far enough ahead, you have all the ingredients for success.

  • 内容简介
  • “2秒优势力”科技即将大功告成。这类事件驱动系统可以通过大量资料分析产生模型,且无须随时存取所有资料。这类系统取法人类大脑的运作方式做出预测——靠接收到的即时事件,预测后续发展,在没有人为互动的情况下采取行动,或是发出通知。它们的运作概念是,即使只是抢先一步得到一点点正确资讯,也比事后拿到一堆资讯要来得有价值。这波发展优秀系统的趋势将持续且不断增强——因为势必如此。

    Two-second-advantage technology is arriving. These event-driven systems can form models by analyzing massive amounts of data, but they don't rely on accessing all that data all the time. Borrowing from the way the human brain works, these systems are predictive-they take in real-time events, predict what's about to happen, and take action or send a notification without human interaction. They operate on the idea that a little bit of the right information ahead of time is more valuable than piles of information too late. The trend toward talented systems will continue and gain strength-because it has to.

  • 作者简介
  • 维微克·拉纳戴夫是知名软件公司TIBCO的创立者兼执行长,该公司致力研发协助企业转型为事件驱动模式的软件;他同时也是美国职篮金州勇士队的共同老板及兼任副董。拉纳戴夫毕业于麻省理工学院和哈佛商学院,著有《即时·资讯·利》和《预见未来》二书。

    凯文·曼尼是品牌顾问公司 VSA Partners的编辑总监,曾为《财富》、《快速公司》、《大西洋》撰稿,亦曾任《今日美国》科技撰稿达20年之久。曼尼毕业于罗格斯大学,著有《取舍》、《打造IBM》、《让世界更美好》(合著)。

  • 目录
    • 5分钟摘要
    • 第1章 优秀的大脑
    • 第2章 优秀的系统
    • 第3章 预测分析
    • Chapter 1 Talented Brains
    • Chapter 2 Talented Systems
    • Chapter 3 Predicative Analysis