• 内容简介
  • 节目继续进行着。每个故事都比前一个更恐怖一些,孩子们鸦雀无声,看得入了迷。最后,他放映了一系列幻灯片:一个小男孩在夜间穿过他自己的公园——卢福尔德公园。所有在场的孩子都认得图片里的那个地方。一个跳跃的、恐怖的白色怪物跟着图中可怜的小男孩,怪物刚开始在树丛中东躲西藏,尔后越来越清晰可辨。它最终追上了小男孩,逮住他,要么把他撕成了碎片,要么不知用什么方法把他杀掉了……


    Well, the show went on, and the stories kept on becoming a little more terrifying each time, and the children were mesmerized into complete silence. At last he produced a series which represented a little boy passing through his own park — Lufford, I mean — in the evening. Every child in the room could recognize the place from the pictures. And this poor boy was followed, and at last pursued and overtaken, and either torn in pieces or somehow made away with, by a horrible hopping creature in white, which you saw first dodging about among the trees, and gradually it appeared more and more plainly...

    Mr. Farrer said it gave him one of the worst nightmares he ever remembered, and what it must have meant to the children doesn’t bear thinking of. Of course this was too much, and he spoke very sharply indeed to Mr. Karswell, and said it couldn’t go on. All *he* said was: “Oh, you think it’s time to bring our little show to an end and send them home to their beds? Very well!” And then, if you please, he switched on another slide, which showed a great mass of snakes, centipedes, and disgusting creatures with wings, and somehow or other he made it seem as if they were climbing out of the picture and getting in amongst the audience; and this was accompanied by a sort of dry rustling noise which sent the children nearly mad, and of course they stampeded.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 万圣节将至,想找点吓人的东西吗?


  • 目录
    • 万圣节鬼故事
    • A Halloween ghost story