“As the child does not know how to be cured, he knows how to be...” 全部笔记(1)去书内
All parents and teachers, who need to let go of forms of care and love,
should not think that attentive care is love when children are in pain
and trouble in their own natural state of living
“The body must be strong enough to obey the mind; a good...” 全部笔记(1)去书内
To really make people human, first of all treat children's education
differently from person to person, pay more attention to children, I
always think that the best way for parents to get along with their
children may be the existence of a friend or mostly a friend.
“. I have therefore decided to take an imaginary pupil, to...” 全部笔记(1)去书内
Natural education is to follow the natural nature of human beings and to
make education consistent with the various stages of their physical and
mental development, neither ahead of nor behind.
The purpose of education is to develop the natural man. Rousseau's
vision of the natural man is one who is physically strong, mentally
developed and emotionally
“What is this goal? As we have just shown, it is the goal of...” 全部笔记(1)去书内
He was firmly opposed to the feudal, scripturalist education that
suppressed children's individuality, shackled their freedom, forced
obedience, forced indoctrination, harsh discipline and corporal punishment.