

In this novel, Dickens not only shows the cruelty of the aristocracy with delicate writing, but also the irrational destruction of the revolutionary masses. He sees the revolution as the replacement of one oppression by another. The capture of the Bastille and the series of depictions of the rioting populace - bloody, cruel, cunning, and vicious - are the most striking aspects of the novel. The book's opening chapter sets the tone for tragedy, but there is also light in this conflicted time "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness."In this novel, I met many people: the honest and kind Dr. Mattet, the beautiful and generous Lucy, the elegant and noble Charles, the honest Lori, the distorted life of Mrs. Deffachy, the cold outside and warm inside Sidney, the forthright Miss Prolos, the cruel and sinister Elliot brothers. They all staged in the context of the French Revolution, love and kindness, good and evil fight, love and hate clash story. Among many different kinds of people in the story, it is Sydney Carton who impressed me most。I was moved by Carton's deep love. He and Charles both fell in love with Lucy, but there was always one more love than was needed. After Charles was arrested, Carton took advantage of Charles' similar face to go to the guillotine for the sake of the girl he loved and died for love.“To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world. "Carton's love for Lucy is great and unrequited, and he only wants Lucy to "think of someone from time to time". Carton's humanitarianism adds to the romanticism of the novel by showing that he sacrifices himself for love in the knowledge that love is fruitless. “For you,for the one you love, I am willing to do anything.If there is any opportunity that worth for me to sacrifice in my life,I rather sacrifice for you and those that you love.”

