A Craftsman Must Sharpen His Tools to Do His Job. 工欲善其事,必先利其器 A
Gentleman Is Not an Implement. 君子不器 A Great State Should Assume a Low
Posture. 大国者下流 A Hundred Schools ofThought 诸子百家 A Man of Benevolence
Cherishes Himself. 仁者自爱 A Master Physician Must Have Superb Skill and
Sincerity. 大医精诚 A Mixed Quality of Grace and Sorrow 情兼雅怨 Act Bravely
for a Just Cause 见义勇为 Ancestral Temple 宗庙 Anitya/Impermanent 无常
Assessment of One's Overall Qualities 程器 Benediction and Vow of
Allegiance 祝盟 benwu/Original Non-being 本无 Bodhi 菩提
Buddhadhatu/Buddha-nature 佛性 Chanting with Feeling 讽咏 Classics
Scholarship 经学