Mourn the Deceased and Memorialize Those Long 慎终追远 Gone Mourning Rites
丧礼 Neither Obsessed with nor Detached from the 不黏不脱,不即不离 Objects
Depicted Nirvana 涅槃 Observing Images 观象 Obsessiveness / lgnorance /
Perplexity 痴 Pass Down both What Is Credible and What Is Unveri-
信以传信,疑以传疑 fiable Person of Integrity 贤人 Physical Features 物色 Plump
Beauty 丰腴 Posthumous Title 谥号 Power of Landscape Within Inches 咫尺有万里之势
Prajñapti / Designation 假名 Prefectures and Counties 郡县 Pure and
Unadorned 纯素 Pursue Knowledge by Adding; Pursue Dao by为学日益,为道日损
Subtracting Read Ten Thousand Books and Travel Ten Thousand 读万卷书,行万里路 Li