Readily Practice Benevolence and Virtue 为仁由己 Reign Title 年号 Reward
Good and Punish Evil 赏善罚恶 Rules 则 Rüpa/Matter 色 Sacrificial Ceremony
/An Ode to Sacrificial Ceremony 封禅 Sacrificial Ceremony 祭礼 Sage 圣人
Scene Involving the Self; Scene Not Involving the Self 有我之境,无我之境
Standing in Snow at the Gate of the Cheng Home 程门立雪 Start with Feelings
and Control with Propriety 发乎情,止乎礼义 Study of A Hundred Schools
ofThought 诸子学 Sukhavativyuha/Pure Land 净土 Temple Titles of Emperors 庙号
Textual Components/ZhangJu(Annotation Work) 章句 The Five Bonds 五伦 The
Message Matters More than the Rhetoric. 文以意为主 The Necessity of
Eliminating Banal Expression 陈言务去 Thriftiness 俭 Tonal and Rhythmical
Patterns 声律