Miss Masha runs a bakery. She is very rich. There was a customer
who came three or two times a week and bought only one piece of
bread each time. ……展开↓
In conclusion, the story indicates how disastrous and costly ignorance can be. It clearly teaches that people should not assume or do things behind other ……展开↓
Miss Martha, our protagonist in this story, owns a small bakery. She is
middle-aged and single, but still holds out some hope for a love
connection. When a ……展开↓
I was really surprised to see the ending. But beyond the surprise, there
was also consternation. The female boss who loved the artist thought
that the old ……展开↓
I have learned from this story that don't make your own decisions about
anything. Although kindness is not wrong, it should be done on the
premise of ……展开↓