What can be used in a language depends on what most people say, because your goal is to make it clear to the majority of the audience. Clinch, for example, is now considered ungrammatical, but in some times it was acceptable because everyone said so. So in this case, "non native speaker" is a lot of losses, because there is no big environment to let you know what other people are saying.
I think the most important thing in Chinglish here is youcanyouup. Of course, this is a little too low, I believe a little English literacy people will not do it. The next thing to discard is the unusual argument, which part one emphasizes in this book to correct. Then, with regard to the tendency to use less nouns and more verbs, less passive and more active style in part two, I think it is necessary to decide according to the needs of the text and the audience. If a text is very formal, it is naturally inappropriate to translate it very bluntly.