
What do the time travelers take with him when he goes to the future?

阅读“时间机器”,并回答:What do the time travelers take with him when he goes to the future?


  • 凌青

    The Time Machine specimen and some flowers.At the end of the novel, the traveler travels back in time for the last time to the future world and discovers that the sun is getting darker, the earth is very old, and even the air is thinning.And he also start to his next travel .


  • 罗千寻

    the traveler travels back in time for the last time to the future world and discovers that the sun is getting darker, the earth is very old, and even the air is thinning.And he also start to his next travel


  • 王品睿221540677
    The protagonist embarks on his final journey to the future world, accompanied by the specimen of the Time Machine and a bouquet of flowers. Upon his arrival, he notes with great surprise and concern that the sun is gradually losing its brightness, the earth is aging rapidly, and the air is becoming progressively thinner. 


  • 熊时进221540689
    the traveler travels back in time for the last time to the future world and discovers that the sun is getting darker, the earth is very old, and even the air is thinning.And he also start to his next travel


  • 王晓轩
    In the concluding chapters of the novel, the protagonist embarks on his final journey to the future world, accompanied by the specimen of the Time Machine and a bouquet of flowers. Upon his arrival, he notes with great surprise and concern that the sun is gradually losing its brightness, the earth is aging rapidly, and the air is becoming progressively thinner. Undeterred by these ominous signs, the protagonist embarks on his next adventure.


  • 王晓轩
    In the concluding chapters of the novel, the protagonist embarks on his final journey to the future world, accompanied by the specimen of the Time Machine and a bouquet of flowers. Upon his arrival, he notes with great surprise and concern that the sun is gradually losing its brightness, the earth is aging rapidly, and the air is becoming progressively thinner. Undeterred by these ominous signs, the protagonist embarks on his next adventure.


  • 陆旭林
    The Time Machine specimen and some flowers.At the end of the novel, the traveler travels back in time for the last time to the future world and discovers that the sun is getting darker, the earth is very old, and even the air is thinning.And he also start to his next travel .
