


7. How does the Time traveler feel when traveling in time machine?

8.  What is people’s life like in the future?

9. Who is the friend the time traveler makes?



  • Mukigugu
    Predicting the specifics of people's lives in the future is challenging due to the many uncertainties and variables involved. However, we can make some general observations and predictions based on current trends and advancements in technology, science, society, and other factors.


  • 郝博文
    Predictions about people's lives in the future are highly speculative and can vary depending on numerous factors. Some envision a future with advanced technologies that make life more convenient, efficient, and perhaps even longer through medical advancements. There might be significant changes in transportation,communication, and work patterns. However, there could also be challenges such as environmental issues, resource scarcity, or social inequalities that shape the quality of life.


  • 魏问
    7. The Time Traveler experiences a mix of excitement, wonder, and disorientation when traveling in the time machine. He is fascinated by the rapid passage of time but also feels a sense of vertigo and unease as he observes the changing landscape and environments around him. 8. What is people's life like in the future? In the future depicted in "The Time Machine," people have evolved into two distinct species: the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi live a seemingly idyllic but simplistic life above ground, resembling a carefree society without much concern for technological advancement or complex social structures. They appear to spend their days in leisure activities and are largely unaware of the Morlocks' existence beneath their feet. In contrast, the Morlocks dwell underground and have adapted to a nocturnal lifestyle, exploiting the Eloi as a source of food and labor. Their society is more industrial and technologically advanced, but it comes at the cost of living in a dark and grim environment.


  • 李雪韵
    The five major principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual are usually considered as righteousness, benevolence, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness. 2. Mencius believed that a "Great Man" is one who has a firm and unwavering moral character, is not influenced by external factors, and adheres to the principles of righteousness and morality. A great man is able to stand up against injustice and act with integrity and compassion. 3. In Chinese, "Conscience"(良知) typically includes a person's inherent moral sense and intuitive understanding of right and wrong.


  • xu yi
    xu yi
    The Time Traveler experiences a mix of excitement, wonder, and disorientation when traveling in the time machine. He is fascinated by the rapid passage of time but also feels a sense of vertigo and unease as he observes the changing landscape and environments around him. 8. In the future, people's lives are vastly different. The Time Traveler encounters the Elol, a gentle and passive race living in what appears to be a utopian society, but they are intellectually and physically diminished. He also discovers the Morlocks, who live underground and maintain the machinery that keeps the Elol's world running, while preying on them at night. 9. The friend the Time Traveler makes is Weena, an Elol woman. He saves her from drowning, and she becomes attached to him, following him and showing him aspects of her world.


  • hello 77
    hello 77
    7. The feelings of the time traveler when traveling in a time machine can vary greatly depending on the circumstances and the nature of the journey. It might involve a sense of excitement and wonder at the prospect of exploring different eras. There could also be anxiety or trepidation due to the unknown and potential risks. Sometimes, a sense of disorientation or confusion might occur as the traveler navigates through time. 8. Predictions about people's lives in the future are highly speculative and can vary depending on numerous factors. Some envision a future with advanced technologies that make life more convenient, efficient, and perhaps even longer through medical advancements. There might be significant changes in transportation, communication, and work patterns. However, there could also be challenges such as environmental issues, resource scarcity, or social inequalities that shape the quality of life. 9. The friend that the time traveler makes can vary depending on the specific story or narrative. It could be a person from a different time period with whom the traveler forms a bond based on shared experiences or mutual understanding. The friend might have unique skills or perspectives that assist the time traveler on their journey.


  • 用户718341
    7.the time traveler feel so great in traveling


  • chair
    In H G. In Wells' The Time Machine, the feelings of a time traveler during his time travel are not widely described, but when he begins his first journey, he experiences tension, excitement, and curiosity about the unknown. As the story progresses, he becomes more vigilant and cautious, especially when facing future dangers and uncertainties. In the depicted future world, humanity has split into two different races: the Eloy people living on the ground and the Moroque people living underground. The Eloy people lived a carefree life without labor, while the Morlock people maintained machines and infrastructure. At first, the Time Traveler believed that Eloy represented the advanced humans of the future, but later he realized that they were corrupt and dependent on the Morlocks, despite their terrifying appearance, actually supporting them. The Moloch people fed on the Eloys, indicating a cruel symbiotic relationship. The time traveler became friends with a young Eloi named Weena, who became his companion in the future world. He tried to protect her from the harm of the Morlocks, representing innocence and purity, forming an emotional bond with him, increasing his sympathy and understanding of the future world.


  • 沈良茜
    7.The Time traveler feels a sense of weightlessness and disorientation when traveling in the time machine. They also experience a strange sensation as if they are being pulled in different directions simultaneously. Additionally, they may feel a sense of nausea or dizziness due to the rapid movement through time. However, these feelings are temporary and subside once the Time traveler arrives at their destination in time.8.In the future, people's lives may be very different from what they are today. Here are some possible changes: 1. Technology: People may have access to more advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and self-driving cars. These technologies could make our lives more convenient and efficient. 2. Health and medicine: Medical science may have made significant progress, leading to longer lifespans and better treatments for diseases. People may also have more personalized healthcare. 3. Work and economy: The nature of work may change, with more emphasis on creativity, innovation, and digital skills. Automation and robotics could also replace some jobs. 4. Environment and sustainability: There may be greater focus on environmental protection and sustainable living. People may use renewable energy sources and adopt more eco-friendly lifestyles. 5. Social and cultural aspects: Society may become more diverse and inclusive, with greater acceptance of different cultures and identities. People may also have more opportunities for education and personal growth. It's important to note that these are just speculative ideas, and the future is highly uncertain. The actual development of people's lives in the future will depend on many factors, including technological progress, social and political changes, and global events.9.In the story, the Time Traveler makes friends with a group of people called the Eloi. The Eloi are a peaceful and gentle race who live in a beautiful, idyllic world. They are small in stature and have a childlike innocence about them. The Time Traveler is initially charmed by their simplicity and kindness, but he soon discovers that there is a darker side to their existence. The Eloi are the descendants of humans who have evolved in a future where there is no more work or struggle. They live in a world without technology or industry, and their only concern is to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. However, the Time Traveler realizes that the Eloi are also very vulnerable. They have no defenses against the Morlocks, a race of underground creatures who prey on the Eloi for food. Despite their differences, the Time Traveler befriends the Eloi and tries to protect them from the Morlocks. He teaches them how to fight and build weapons, and he also helps them to understand the true nature of their world. In the end, the Time Traveler's friendship with the Eloi teaches him a valuable lesson about the importance of compassion and the need to fight for what is right.


  • 用户720480
    The Time Traveler befriends a group of Eloi during his stay in their era.They are initially fascinated and somewhat afraid of him due to his strange appearance and technology.Over time, they become friendly and welcoming,showing him their way of life. The Time Traveler learns about their daily routines, their relationships,and their naive understanding of the world around them. However, it is later revealed that these Eloi are not just friends but potentially also food for the Morlocks, which adds a tragic layer to their relationship with the Time Traveler.
