
the spirits

At the beginning ,when I first get in touch with the title of this  book , I was  very  confused that why we should read a book translated into English ? Why not read something in English original? After I get to known that author of this book is Ku Hweng Ming , the previous question and complain all passed away. This book is certainly written in English originally. And I believe that this book can be written in German, in French as well because of Ku’s knowledge and proficiency in the culture ,history ,along with the languages of different countries all over the world. It is said that he critical and even swear at teacher from different countries and used English when he met Englishmen or in germen when he met germens. Of interest , nobody can retort him for his rigorous logic and reasonable debate ,and of course ,the most authentic way in different languages .
OK , this little story about Mr. Ku is mean to show his great ability in language and essentials of basic training in western culture. There is a phrase in Chinese called “Xue Guan Zhong Xi” ,which show that a scholar can master both Chinese and western culture. And Ku is precisely a man like this. It is not very amazing that a scholar have a good command of western culture was born on abroad and receive education in a western mode, but it is when he have a good command and love for Chinese culture as well. Mr. Ku made it as well .
And let’s talk about this book . I consider that this book is not more than an introduction of Chinese culture, Chinese spirits or so on ,but a debate with Europeans and Japanese ,Americans whether Chinese culture is better than theirs ,but a lesson about what is the true characteristics of Chinese man ,but a recall for Chinese people to cherish the most precious things in their soles. 
So , what are the spirits of Chinese? Should all man in this country be absolutely loyal to their king or emperor? Should all Chinese women be obedient to their husband like a little lamp? And the most eye-catching thing is this book ,concubines? Are this the spirits of Chinese? No. actually all these just show the core of Chinese spirits. Concubines ? OK ,that is a phenomenon only because of the moral and laws. It is must be mentioned that the responsibility to family ,or to the society , or to the county is what the most important to  Chinese people. Under this circumstance, what people do must be moral. contrary to the westerners, Chinese people are believed to be born in kindness ,not in sin, thus means that Chinese people clearly know what they should do for the society or for the people around them according to the moral. that is the real spirit of Chinese.
Ku once said to his students who laugh at the braid on the back side of head: “the braid on my head ,is visible ,while the braid of yours is invisible but in your heart .” I can not understand his words at first, but now I have understood it as the spirit of a nation 
Be confident to your culture.

