
诗人趣闻: 十二位著名诗人和他们(白天的)正职


12 Famous Poets and Their Day Jobs --By Matt Petronzio/May 01, 2013

Artists often need to supplement their incomes with something a little more substantial, and that especially goes for poets. For instance, did you know that Robert Frost ran a dairy farm to earn some extra cash? Or that Maya Angelou sang calypso music in a nightclub?

In this comic, on the last day of National Poetry Month, Grant Snider of Incidental Comics shows us several other poets' day jobs. Which one surprises you the most?

Snider makes a few clarifications:

•Wallace Stevens wasn't just any ordinary insurance salesman — he was an executive at an insurance company.

•Philip Larkin was a librarian at the University of Hull.

•Emily Dickinson had no known career other than poetry, but "her sister Lavinia was cat-obsessed. So Emily must have been forced to cat-sit occasionally."

You can purchase Snider's comics as prints through his poster shop.

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  • 罗帆

    这个太有意思了 原来他们不是专职诗人啊


