• 导读
  • 本书是《菊与刀》的作者、美国著名人类学家鲁思·本尼迪克特的代表作,写于1934年。该书可以说是20世纪西方有关文化问题讨论中最有影响的著作之一,已被译成14种文字,有着广泛影响。果勒认为,可以“以此书出版的年代作为国民性的科学研究诞生之年”。玛格丽特·米德在1958年的新序中提出,此书是“20世纪第二季最伟大的著作之一”。

    "Unique and important... Patterns of Culture is a signpost on the road to a freer and more tolerant life." —New York Times

    "That today the modern world is on such easy terms with the concept of culture... is in very great part due to this book." —Margaret Mead

    "Benedict's Patterns of Culture is a foundational text in teaching us the value of diversity. Her hope for the future still has resonance in the twenty-first century: that recognition of cultural relativity will create an appreciation for 'the coexisting and equally valid patterns of life which mankind has created for itself from the raw materials of existence.'" —from the new foreword by Louise Lamphere, past president of the American Anthrolopological Association

  • 内容简介
  • “文化模式”这一概念,有各种不同的用途和意思。不同的文化人类学家对文化模式的理解也不同。本尼迪克特认为,文化模式是相对于个体行为来说的。她认为,人类行为的方式有多种多样的可能,这种可能是无穷的。但是一个部族、一种文化在这样的无穷的可能性里,只能选择其中的一些,而这种选择有自身的社会价值趋向、选择的行为方式,包括对待人之生死、青春期、婚姻的方式,以至在经济、政治、社会交往等领域的各种规矩、习俗,并通过形式化的方式,形成风俗、礼仪,从而结合成一个部落或部族的文化模式。

    A remarkable introduction to cultural studies, Patterns of Culture is an eloquent declaration of the role of culture in shaping human life. In this fascinating work, the renowned anthropologist Ruth Benedict compares three societies—the Zuni of the southwestern United States, the Kwakiutl of western Canada, and the Dobuans of Melanesia—and demonstrates the diversity of behaviors in them. Benedict's groundbreaking study shows that a unique configuration of traits defines each human culture and she examines the relationship between culture and the individual. Featuring prefatory remarks by Franz Boas, Margaret Mead, and Louise Lamphere, this provocative work ultimately explores what it means to be human.

  • 作者简介
  • 鲁思·本尼迪克特,美国当代著名文化人类学家。20世纪初少数的女性学者,受到法兰兹·鲍亚士(Franz Boas)的影响,同爱德华·萨皮尔(Edward Sapir)提出最早的文化形貌论(Cultural Configuration),认为文化如同个人,具有不同的类型与特征。本尼迪克特早年学习英国文学,故其作品文笔高妙,并善于作诗以及细腻的描述。她的作品中,尤以《文化模式》(Patterns of Culture)与《菊与刀》(The Chrysanthemum and the Sword)最为著名。尽管她论述的重要性已被其他理论取代,但其著作中提出的问题与关怀,至今仍受到人类学、历史学等学科的重视与关注。

    Ruth Fulton Benedict (June 5, 1887–September 17, 1948) was an American anthropologist and folklorist.She was born in New York City, attended Vassar College and graduated in 1909. She entered graduate studies at Columbia University in 1919, where she studied under Franz Boas. She received her Ph.D and joined the faculty in 1923.

    Benedict held the post of President of the American Anthropological Association and was also a prominent member of the American Folklore Society. She became the first woman to be recognized as a prominent leader of a learned profession. She can be viewed as a transitional figure in her field, redirecting both anthropology and folklore away from the limited confines of culture-trait diffusion studies and towards theories of performance as integral to the interpretation of culture. She studied the relationships between personality, art, language and culture, insisting that no trait existed in isolation or self-sufficiency, a theory which she championed in her 1934 Patterns of Culture.

  • 目录
    • I. The Science of Custom
    • II. The Diversity of Cultures
    • III. The Integration of Culture
    • IV. The Pueblos of New Mexico
    • V. Dobu
    • VI. The Northwest Coast of America
    • VII. The Nature of Society
    • VIII. The Individual and the Pattern of Culture