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  • 《三楼去又回》是英国幽默作家杰罗姆·克拉普卡·杰罗姆1908年创作的一个剧本。这是一个严肃的剧目,讲述的是一个耶稣式的人物对一群卑劣者的影响。

    The neighbourhood of Bloomsbury Square towards four o'clock of a November afternoon is not so crowded as to secure to the stranger, of appearance anything out of the common, immunity from observation. Tibb's boy, screaming at the top of his voice that she was his honey, stopped suddenly, stepped backwards on to the toes of a voluble young lady wheeling a perambulator, and remained deaf, apparently, to the somewhat personal remarks of the voluble young lady.

  • 内容简介
  • 《三楼去又回》是英国幽默作家杰罗姆·克拉普卡·杰罗姆1908年创作的一个剧本。这是一个严肃的剧目,讲述的是一个耶稣式的人物对一群卑劣者的影响。

    The constable at the corner, trying to seem busy doing nothing, noticed the stranger's approach with gathering interest. "That's an odd sort of a walk of yours, young man," thought the constable. "You take care you don't fall down and tumble over yourself."

  • 作者简介
  • 杰罗姆·克拉普卡·杰罗姆,英国作家,生于英格兰斯塔福德郡。当过铁路职员、教师、演员和新闻记者。其著述甚丰,其中有使读者爱不释手的幽默小说《三人同舟》(1889)和一部以布卢姆斯伯里的寄宿舍为背景的现代劝世剧《来回经过四楼》(1908)。还写有《巴巴拉》(1886)、《霍布斯小姐》(1899)和自传《我的生活和时代》(1926)等。

    Jerome Klapka Jerome (2 May 1859 – 14 June 1927) was an English writer and humourist, best known for the comic travelogue Three Men in a Boat (1889).Jerome was born in Caldmore, Walsall, England.

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