• 导读
  • 劳伦斯是英国20世纪杰出的小说家,以描写人尤其是女性的性心理和性意识而闻名。劳伦斯的小说《公主》描写了一位从小被父亲称为“公主”的英国女人的成长和感情经历。在这篇小说中,劳伦斯充分表达了他的女性主义思想:女人应该为自己的自由和个人存在而奋斗。同时《公主》也“暴露了现代机械文明和原始主义情结之间的激烈冲突,揭示了工业制度对性意识的严重摧残。”悲剧的结尾使人警醒,不要让文明麻痹了真实的情感,不要扭曲本能的渴望,不要拒绝和社会的沟通交流。作者呼吁人们回归真实、自然的本性,使精神和肉体达到平衡。

    D.H.Lawrence as the distinguished writer of England in the 20th century is famous for his description of sexual psychology and sexual consciousness of humans especially women. The novel princess "exposes the conflict between modern machine civilization and original desire, and the destruction caused by industrial system." The tragic end warns people that civilization can make true emotion paralyzed, original desire twisted, and the communication obstructed. The writer calls for people to return to one's original being, and make body and spirit keep balance.

  • 内容简介
  • 在劳伦斯的小说《公主》中,主人公“公主”在不太正常的父亲的培养下,过着自欺欺人的贵族生活,本能消失殆尽,直至遇上了墨西哥导游罗梅罗,罗梅罗身上的自然本性激发了多莉的性本能。但是多莉所接受的教育迫使她放弃本我的需要,毁掉了自己的幸福,也毁掉了罗梅罗。小说通过描写代表着父权制和工业文明的父亲对公主的迫害,以及代表着自然与人类本性的罗梅罗的悲惨结局向我们展现了自然和女性被异化了的生存状态,从而体现了作者的生态女性主义思想。

    D.H.Lawrence as the distinguished writer of England in the 20th century is famous for his description of sexual psychology and sexual consciousness of humans especially women. The novel princess "exposes the conflict between modern machine civilization and original desire, and the destruction caused by industrial system." The tragic end warns people that civilization can make true emotion paralyzed, original desire twisted, and the communication obstructed. The writer calls for people to return to one's original being, and make body and spirit keep balance.

  • 作者简介
  • 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(通常写作D. H. Lawrence),20世纪英国作家,是20世纪英语文学中最重要的人物之一,也是最具争议性的作家之一。主要成就包括小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文、游记和书信。作品主题多论及现代社会和工业化的不人道。作品中经常涉及心理、本能方面的描写。

    David Herbert Richards Lawrence (11 September 1885— 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter who published as D. H. Lawrence. His collected works represent an extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. In them, Lawrence confronts issues relating to emotional health and vitality, spontaneity, and instinct.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 劳伦斯崇尚个性自由,反对性爱被压抑或是建立在恐惧之上,人们不应该忌讳谈性爱。在他看来,性爱与精神之爱一样美丽,并且是人类的天性,不应回避甚至是压抑。因此探索两性之间的新关系并且试图探索实现“自然完美”的两性关系来摆脱工业化社会对人性的压抑,是他作品的普遍主题。

  • 媒体书评
  • 劳伦斯是我们这个时代最伟大而充满想象力的作家,而他的伟大则以美学为其源泉。这位先知先觉者从内心发射着大自然的光彩,每一种颜色都熠熠生辉,每一个形状都各具特点。——【英】爱•摩•福斯特





    "No other writer with his imaginative standing has in our time written books that are so open to life." —Alfred Kazin

    “Lawrence had that quality of genius which sucks out of ordinary experience essences strange or unknown to men.” —Anaïs Nin

  • 目录
    • 公主
    • The Princess