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  • 虽然《失乐园》文笔华丽,但是《复乐园》却是用比较平淡的笔法写成的。在《复乐园》中,弥尔顿减少了直喻的使用,语法也不很复杂。学者们一般都同意诺斯罗普·弗莱,认为《复乐园》在文法格式上都尤为自成一格。

  • 内容简介
  • 《复乐园》是英格兰诗人约翰·弥尔顿写着的一首诗,与《力士参孙》出现在诗人的同一卷文献中。它与之前的著作《失乐园》紧密相关,有着同样的理论主题。其内容主要取材自路加福音中耶稣受试探的故事。作家以饱满的热情讴歌了耶稣的降生,讲述了耶稣抵御住撒旦的诱惑,从而拯救人类重返伊甸园的故事。在《复乐园》里,撒旦是一个十足的恶魔,与《失乐园》中的撒旦有明显的区别。

    Paradise Regained is a poem by English poet John Milton. The volume in which it appeared also contained the poet's closet drama Samson Agonistes. Paradise Regained is connected by name to his earlier and more famous epic poem Paradise Lost, with which it shares similar theological themes; indeed, its title, its use of blank verse, and its progression through Christian history recall the earlier work. However, this effort deals primarily with the temptation of Christ as recounted in the Gospel of Luke. One major concept emphasized throughout Paradise Regained is the idea of reversals. As implied by its title, Milton sets out to reverse the "loss" of Paradise. Thus, antonyms are often found next to each other, reinforcing the idea that everything that was lost in the first epic will be regained by the end of this "brief epic."

  • 作者简介
  • 约翰·弥尔顿(1608~1675)英国诗人、政论家,民主斗士,英国文学史上最伟大的六大诗人之一。弥尔顿是清教徒文学的代表,他的一生都在为资产阶级民主运动而奋斗,代表作《失乐园》与荷马的《荷马史诗》、阿利盖利·但丁的《神曲》并称为西方三大诗歌。同时,作为一位思想家,他的《论出版自由》成为言论出版史上自由主义的里程碑,和后来密尔的《论自由》一道,被视为报刊出版自由理论的经典文献。由此确立的言论自由基石:“观点的自由市场”和“真理的自我修正”影响一直持续至今。

    John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1675) was an English poet, polemicist, man of letters, and a civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost, written in blank verse. Milton's poetry and prose reflect deep personal convictions, a passion for freedom and self-determination, and the urgent issues and political turbulence of his day. Writing in English, Latin, Greek, and Italian, he achieved international renown within his lifetime, and his celebrated Areopagitica—written in condemnation of pre-publication censorship—is among history's most influential and impassioned defences of free speech and freedom of the press.

  • 目录
    • Book 1
    • Book 2
    • Book 3
    • Book 4