• 导读
  • Set in the sinister monastery of the Capuchins in Madrid, this is a violent tale of ambition, murder, and incest. The struggle between maintaining monastic vows and fulfilling personal ambitions tempts its main character into breaking his vows.

  • 内容简介
  • 《修道士》是刘易斯19岁时创作的一部哥特式小说。作品以西班牙马德里一修道院为背景,讲述了一个关于野心、暴力、谋杀和乱伦的故事。作品的主人公,德高望重的修道院院长安布罗斯,见到美丽的姑娘安东尼娅之后,再也无法坚守誓约,遂设计勾引她,在一次对她非礼时,被其母亲撞见,因害怕事情暴露从而失去拥有的声望和地位,安布罗斯竟然残忍地杀死了安东尼娅的母亲。为了达到长期霸占安东尼娅的目的,在魔鬼的帮助策划下,安布罗斯施魔法让安东尼娅假死,并将她葬在修道院的墓地。被捉拿的安布罗斯为了逃避被烧死在火刑柱上的惩罚,重获自由,竟将自己的灵魂出卖给魔鬼。坚持修道院誓约与满足个人情欲之间的惊心动魄的搏杀是本书的主要特点。

    It is a Gothic novel by Matthew Gregory Lewis, published in 1796. A quickly written book from early in Lewis's career (it was written in ten weeks, before he turned 20), its convoluted and scandalous plot has made it one of the most important Gothic novels of its time, often imitated and adapted for the stage and the screen.

  • 作者简介
  • 马修·刘易斯毕业于牛津神学院,曾任英驻海牙大使馆随员和国会议员,19岁时他就因写出了《修道士》名震全欧。作者着力刻画了一系列令人发指的行为背后那“隐秘曲折、复杂微妙的深层心理世界”,使得人物形象丰满厚实。作者将超自然与现实结合,产生了强烈的恐怖效果。刘易斯沿袭了贝克福德的传统,将恐怖描写与病态邪恶相结合,让人读后有种难以摆脱的压抑。而“邪恶的修道士”这一形象也影响了一大批后继者,

    Matthew Gregory Lewis (9 July 1775 – 16 May 1818) was an English novelist and dramatist, often referred to as "Monk" Lewis, because of the success of his 1796 Gothic novel, The Monk.

  • 目录
    • VOLUME I