• 导读
  • The Hunting of the Snark (An Agony in 8 Fits) is typically categorized as a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll. Written from 1874 to 1876, the poem borrows the setting, some creatures, and eight portmanteau words from Carroll's earlier poem "Jabberwocky" in his children's novel Through the Looking Glass (1871). Henry Holiday, the illustrator of the poem, thought of it as a "tragedy"

  • 内容简介
  • 《猎鲨记》是路易斯·卡罗于1874年创作的打油诗,当时他42岁。 这首诗借鉴了小说《爱丽丝镜中奇遇》中的短诗《Jabberwocky》(无聊的话),尤其是其中的人物和混成词,但是它是一个独立的作品,于1876年由麦克米伦出版社首次出版。插画由亨利·霍利迪(Henry Holiday)创作。

    The plot of this book follows a crew of ten trying to hunt the Snark, an animal which may turn out to be a highly dangerous Boojum. The only one of the crew to find the Snark quickly vanishes, leading the narrator to explain that it was a Boojum after all. The poem is dedicated to young Gertrude Chataway, whom Carroll met at the English seaside town Sandown in the Isle of Wight in 1875. Included with many copies of the first edition of the poem was Carroll's religious tract, An Easter Greeting to Every Child Who Loves "Alice".

  • 作者简介
  • 刘易斯·卡罗尔(1832-1898),原名查尔斯·路特维奇·道奇森,英国数学家、逻辑学家、童话作家、牧师、摄影师。著名的诗集有《猎鲨记》(1876)。所作童话《爱丽丝漫游奇境》(1865)与《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》(1871)为其代表作品,通过虚幻荒诞的情节,描绘了童趣横生的世界,亦揶揄20世纪后期英国社会的世道人情,含有大量逻辑与文字游戏及仿拟的诗歌,流传与影响甚广

    Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ( 27 January 1832 – 14 January 1899), better known by his pen name, Lewis Carroll, was an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, its sequel Through the Looking-Glass, which includes the poem Jabberwocky, and the poem The Hunting of the Snark, all examples of the genre of literary nonsense. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic, and fantasy.

  • 目录
    • Fit the First THE LANDING
    • Fit the Second THE BELLMAN'S SPEECH
    • Fit the Third THE BAKER'S TALE
    • Fit the fourth THE HUNTING
    • Fit the Fifth THE BEAVER'S LESSON
    • Fit the Sixth THE BARRISTER'S DREAM
    • Fit the Seventh THE BANKER'S FATE
    • Fit the Eighth THE VANISHING