• 导读
  • One theme in Doctor Faustus is sin. Throughout the play, Faustus is continuously making wrong choices. His first sin was greed. Faustus began his downfall by making a pact with the devil. Doctor Faustus is a German scholar who is well known for his accomplishments. He grows sick of the limitations on human knowledge, which leads him to his interest with magic. Faustus summons a demon, Mephistophilis, ordering him to go to Lucifer with the offer of Faustus’s soul in return for twenty-four years of servitude from Mephistophilis. At the news of acceptance from Lucifer, Faustus begins his years filled with sinful nature. Faustus feeds sin with his need for power, praise, and trickery. He becomes absorbed in the way people look up to him, believing him to be a sort of ‘hero’. In the end, Faustus realises his mistake in believing power will bring him happiness. At the end of his twenty-four years, Faustus is filled with fear and he becomes remorseful for his past actions, yet this comes too late. When fellow scholars find Faustus the next morning, he is torn limb from limb, with his soul carried off to hell.

  • 内容简介
  • 《浮士德的悲剧》是文艺复兴时期英国剧作家克里斯多福·马洛根据浮士德传说改编的戏剧作品。剧中大学者浮士德和魔鬼订约,二十四年内魔鬼必须听浮士德的话,达成他任何愿望,但是二十四年后,浮士德必须永远跟魔鬼到地狱去。本剧以最后一幕浮士德被带走之前时间的逼近及他的懊悔最为著名。

    The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is a play by Christopher Marlowe, based on the German story Faust, in which a man sells his soul to the devil for power, experience, pleasure and knowledge. Doctor Faustus was first published in 1604, eleven years after Marlowe's death and at least 10 years after the first performance of the play. It is the most controversial Elizabethan play outside of Shakespeare, with few critics coming to any agreement as to the date or the nature of the text.

  • 作者简介
  • 克里斯托弗·马洛(1564年-1593年5月30日),英国伊丽莎白年代的剧作家、诗人及翻译家,为莎士比亚的同代人物。马洛以写作无韵诗(blank verse)及悲剧闻名,亦有学者认为他在生时比莎士比亚更出名。1593年5月18日,英国政府下令通缉马洛,但却并没有列出任何理由。同月20日,马洛于被带到英国枢密院前接受审讯,其后需要每天向他们报到。10天后,马洛与Ingram Frizer等人争执期间,被Ingram Frizer用匕首刺死。到了现在,仍没有人知道他的死与枢密院的审问有没有关连。

    Christopher Marlowe (26 February 1564 – 30 May 1593) was an English playwright, poet and translator of the Elizabethan era. Marlowe was the foremost Elizabethan tragedian of his day. He greatly influenced William Shakespeare, who was born in the same year as Marlowe and who rose to become the pre-eminent Elizabethan playwright after Marlowe's mysterious early death. Marlowe's plays are known for the use of blank verse and their overreaching protagonists.

  • 目录