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  • 柏拉图传世书信中篇幅最长的一封。

  • 内容简介
  • 从自传式的《第七封信》中可以看出,柏拉图在青年时期热衷于政治,希望能参加政治事务,公正地治理城邦,但是实际经验告诉他,包括雅典在内的所有城邦都不能做到这一点。最后,他认为只有在正确的哲学指导下才能分辨正义和非正义,只有当哲学家成为统治者,或者当政治家成为真正的哲学家时,城邦治理才能是真正公正的。

    The Seventh Letter of Plato is an epistle that tradition has ascribed to Plato. It is by far the longest of the epistles of Plato and gives an autobiographical account of his activities in Sicily as part of the intrigues between Dion and Dionysius of Syracuse for the tyranny of Syracuse. It also contains an extended philosophical interlude concerning the possibility of writing true philosophical works and the theory of forms. Assuming that the letter is authentic, it was written after Dion was assassinated by Calippus in 353 BC and before he was in turn overthrown a year later.

  • 作者简介
  • 柏拉图(约公元前427年—公元前347年),古希腊伟大的哲学家,也是全部西方哲学乃至整个西方文化最伟大的哲学家和思想家之一,他和老师苏格拉底,学生亚里士多德并称为希腊三贤。另有其创造或发展的概念包括:柏拉图思想、柏拉图主义、柏拉图式爱情等。柏拉图的主要作品为《对话录》,其中绝大部分对话都有苏格拉底出场。但学术界普遍认为,其中的苏格拉底形象并不完全是历史上的苏格拉底。

    Plato (428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BCE) was a philosopher, as well as mathematician, in Classical Greece. He is considered an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition, and he founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Along with his teacher Socrates and his most famous student, Aristotle, Plato laid the foundations of Western philosophy and science.

  • 目录