• 导读
  • 苏格拉底、塞奥多洛和泰阿泰德之间探究“知识”本性的哲学谈话

    Their dialogue covers many questions, such as: is knowledge purely subjective, composed of the ever-changing flow of impressions we receive from the outside world? Is it better thought of as true belief'? With skill and eloquence, Socrates guides the debate, drawing out the implications of these theories and subjecting them to merciless and mesmerising criticism. One of the founding works of epistemology, this profound discussion of the problem of knowledge continues to intrigue and inspire.

  • 内容简介
  • 《泰阿泰德篇》古希腊哲学家柏拉图关于认识论问题的一篇重要对话。

    The Theaetetus is one of Plato's dialogues concerning the nature of knowledge, written circa 369 BC. In this dialogue, Socrates and Theaetetus discuss three definitions of knowledge: knowledge as nothing but perception, knowledge as true judgement, and, finally, knowledge as a true judgement with an account. Each of these definitions is shown to be unsatisfactory.

  • 作者简介
  • 柏拉图(约公元前427年—公元前347年),古希腊伟大的哲学家,也是全部西方哲学乃至整个西方文化最伟大的哲学家和思想家之一,他和老师苏格拉底,学生亚里士多德并称为希腊三贤。另有其创造或发展的概念包括:柏拉图思想、柏拉图主义、柏拉图式爱情等。柏拉图的主要作品为《对话录》,其中绝大部分对话都有苏格拉底出场。但学术界普遍认为,其中的苏格拉底形象并不完全是历史上的苏格拉底。

    Plato (428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BCE) was a philosopher, as well as mathematician, in Classical Greece. He is considered an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition, and he founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Along with his teacher Socrates and his most famous student, Aristotle, Plato laid the foundations of Western philosophy and science.

  • 目录