• 导读
  • Loosely based on Stratton-Porter's own childhood, Laddie is a double tale — the classic poor-boy/rich-girl romance and the story of a child of nature and her idyllic childhood.

  • 内容简介
  • 《童子》是作者基于自己的童年生活而写。小说既是一个经典的男孩和女孩的爱情故事,也是一个大自然的女孩与她的田园生活的故事。

    Based on the author's own life, this book tells the story of "little sister". The youngest of eleven, she is unwanted in the beginning. The brother who loved her most, and whom she loved most in the world, is Laddie. She is almost lonely, and it's hard for her to study, so her comfort is nature. In an unforgettable way, which is funny and sad, little sister tells us her story.

  • 作者简介
  • 吉恩·斯特拉顿·波特(1863-1924年),美国小说家和自然主义者。从其伤感的浪漫主义小说《无法无天》(1904年)和《肢体残缺的女孩》(1909年)中可以感知到她对大自然和野生生命丰富的了解和热爱。吉恩瓦·格蕾斯斯特·拉顿出生于印地安那州的瓦伯什郡,靠近林波洛斯特沼泽,因此她的大部分小说都以此为背景。1884年她与查尔斯·D·波特结婚。她最初在杂志上发表描写大自然的文章,还配有她自己画的插图或自拍的照片。

    Gene Stratton-Porter (August 17, 1863 – December 6, 1924) was an American author, amateur naturalist, wildlife photographer, and one of the earliest women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote some best-selling novels and well-received columns in national magazines, such as McCalls. Her works were translated into several languages, including Braille, and Stratton-Porter was estimated to have had 50 million readers around the world.

  • 目录
    • CHAPTER I Little Sister
    • CHAPTER II Our Angel Boy
    • CHAPTER III Mr. Pryor's Door
    • CHAPTER IV The Last Day in Eden
    • CHAPTER V The First Day of School
    • CHAPTER VI The Wedding Gown
    • CHAPTER VII When Sally Married Peter
    • CHAPTER VIII The Shropshire and the Crusader
    • CHAPTER IX "Even So"
    • CHAPTER X Laddie Takes the Plunge
    • CHAPTER XI Keeping Christmas Our Way
    • CHAPTER XII The Horn of the Hunter
    • CHAPTER XIII The Garden of the Lord
    • CHAPTER XIV The Crest of Eastbrooke
    • CHAPTER XV Laddie, the Princess, and the Pie
    • CHAPTER XVI The Homing Pigeon
    • CHAPTER XVII In Faith Believing
    • CHAPTER XVIII The Pryor Mystery