    A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy

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  • 斯特恩创作《穿越法国和意大利的伤感之旅》这本自传体小说时,“欧洲大旅行”正成为时尚。富有的英国青年贵族前往巴黎、威尼斯、罗马、那不勒斯等文化名城接受“再教育”,跟随导游或家庭教师追寻古迹和文艺复兴的遗产。和一般的游学旅行指南有别,叙述者故意避开了竞技场或大教堂一类去处,而是选择去结交非同寻常的人,寻找“自然而真实”的经历。浪漫时代,人们把旅行视为自我发现的过程;即便是今天,“真正的旅行者”仍以体验生动的、独特的经历为自豪,而不是像大多数游客那样,只是简单地离开居所,走马观花般拍照。

  • 内容简介
  • 此部小说极为受欢迎和有影响力,并帮助旅行写作成为了十八世纪后半叶的主要写作体裁。不同于先前的旅行游记的重点在于经典学习以及客观角度而是着重在主观讨论个人的状态和情感,讨论贯穿于经典的学习中的行为与道德。整个1770年女性旅行作家开始发表了大量的感伤旅行游记。感伤也成为包括政治激进主义者在内的人士用来表达非主流观点最喜欢的风格。

    The novel was extremely popular and influential and helped establish travel writing as the dominant genre of the second half of the 18th century. Unlike prior travel accounts which stressed classical learning and objective non-personal points of view, A Sentimental Journey emphasized the subjective discussions of personal taste and sentiments, of manners and morals over classical learning. Throughout the 1770s female travel writers began publishing significant numbers of sentimental travel accounts. Sentiment also became a favorite style among those expressing non-mainstream views including political radicalism.

  • 作者简介
  • 劳伦斯·斯特恩(Laurence Sterne, 1713-1768), 18世纪英国最伟大的小说家之一,也是整个世界文学史上一位罕见的天才。他出生于爱尔兰的科龙梅尔。由于父亲是名军人,1759年,他在四十六岁的时候开始创作小说巨著《项狄传》,共写了九卷(1759—1767)。1768年,他的另一部伟大的小说《感伤旅行》完成两卷,但之后不久,他染病不治身亡,两部小说的写作也因此中断。

    Laurence Sterne (24 November 1713 – 18 March 1768) was an Anglo-Irish novelist and an Anglican clergyman. He is best known for his novels The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman and A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy; but he also published many sermons, wrote memoirs, and was involved in local politics. Sterne died in London after years of fighting consumption.

  • 目录
    • A Sentimental Journey