• 导读
  • 在苏泽1902年的小说,一个年轻的小提琴家为了一把有五根琴弦的小提琴和魔鬼达成协议。这五根弦可以演奏出如遗憾、希望、爱情和喜悦,第五根弦是死神之弦,演奏者临死之气只可以演奏一次。小提琴家没有赢得自己喜欢的女人的芳心,在最后一场演唱会上,他弹奏起来死亡之弦。

    The Fifth String, a young violinist made a deal with the Devil for a magic violin with five strings. The strings can excite the emotions of Pity, Hope, Love and Joy – the fifth string was of Death and can be played only once before causing the player's own death. He was unable to win the love of the woman he desired. At a final concert, he played upon the death string. In 1905, Sousa published a book Pipetown Sandy, which included a satirical poem titled "The Feast of the Monkeys". The poem described "a lavish party attended by variety of animals, however, overshadowed by the King of Beasts, the lion...who allows the muttering guests the privilege of watching him eat the entire feast". At the end of his gluttony, the lion explained, "Come all rejoice, You’ve seen your monarch dine Therefore when Mr. Henry Perkins the well-known impresario announced with an air of conscious pride and pardonable enthusiasm that he had secured Diotti for a number of concerts Perkins?friends assured that wide-awake gentleman that his foresight amounted to positive genius and they predicted an unparalleled success for his star.

  • 内容简介
  • 在苏泽1902年的小说,一个年轻的小提琴家为了一把有五根琴弦的小提琴和魔鬼达成协议。这五根弦可以演奏出如遗憾、希望、爱情和喜悦,第五根弦是死神之弦,演奏者临死之前只可以演奏一次。小提琴家没有赢得自己喜欢的女人的芳心,在最后一场演唱会上,他弹奏起来死亡之弦。

    In his 1902 novel The Fifth String, a young violinist made a deal with the Devil for a magic violin with five strings. The strings can excite the emotions of Pity, Hope, Love and Joy – the fifth string was of Death and can be played only once before causing the player's own death. He was unable to win the love of the woman he desired. At a final concert, he played upon the death string.In 1905, Sousa published a book Pipetown Sandy, which included a satirical poem titled "The Feast of the Monkeys". The poem described "a lavish party attended by variety of animals, however, overshadowed by the King of Beasts, the lion...who allows the muttering guests the privilege of watching him eat the entire feast". At the end of his gluttony, the lion explained, "Come all rejoice, You’ve seen your monarch dine.

  • 作者简介
  • 约翰·菲利普·苏萨(​John Philip Sousa,1854–1932年),美国作曲家、乐队指挥。以节奏雄壮有力的进行曲和高超的表演水平闻名于世,人称“进行曲之王”。苏萨一生共创作了100多首进行曲。《忠诚进行曲》(1888年)、《三月份的华盛顿邮报》(1889年)、《自由之钟进行曲》(1893年)、《星条旗永不落》(1897年)等多部作品如今仍是乐队的流行演出曲目。


    John Philip Sousa, November 6, 1854 – March 6, 1932) was an American composer and conductor of the late Romantic era, known primarily for American military and patriotic marches. Because of his mastery of march composition, he is known as "The March King" or the "American March King" due to his British counterpart Kenneth J. Alford also being known by the former nickname. Among his best-known marches are "The Liberty Bell", "The Thunderer", "The Washington Post", "Semper Fidelis" (Official March of the United States Marine Corps), and "The Stars and Stripes Forever" (National March of the United States of America).

  • 目录
    • I
    • II
    • III
    • IV
    • V
    • VI
    • VII
    • VIII
    • IX
    • X
    • XI
    • XII
    • XIII