    A Theologico-Political Treatise

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  • 本书是十七世纪荷兰杰出的唯物主义哲学家和无神论者斯宾诺莎的主要著作之一。


  • 内容简介
  • 作者认为有时国家是坚持绝对的国家主权的。但是主要是根据自己对基督教会的坚决的反对来掌控的。尽管他已准备好支持国家宗教,作为精神上的粘合剂,但是他对宗教如此的描写使得宗教可以被它的拥护者、自然神论者以及泛神论者所接受,如果这些人不是狂热的信仰者或非信仰者的话。此书的重点是在言论自由,作者相信有绝对权威的政府应该有效地抵御好战教会的专横。

    Spinoza sometimes writes as if the state upheld absolute sovereignty. But that is due mainly to his determined opposition to every kind of ecclesiastical control over it. Though he is prepared to support what may be called a state religion, as a kind of spiritual cement, yet his account of this religion is such as to make it acceptable to the adherents of any one of the historic creeds, to deists, pantheists and all others, provided they are not fanatical believers or unbelievers. It is really in the interest of freedom of thought and speech that Spinoza would entrust the civil government with something approaching absolute sovereignty in order to effectively resist the tyranny of the militant churches

  • 作者简介
  • 本尼迪克·斯宾诺莎,又名巴鲁赫·斯宾诺莎(1632年11月24日-1677年2月21日)是西方近代哲学史重要的理性主义者,与笛卡尔和莱布尼茨齐名。 斯宾诺莎出生于阿姆斯特丹的一个从西班牙逃往荷兰的犹太家庭。年轻时进入培养拉比的宗教学校,在艰难的生活条件下,他仍然坚持哲学和科学的研究,他的思想通过通信方式传播到欧洲各地,赢得人们的尊重。巴鲁赫·斯宾诺莎认为整体的实在就是一个实体,或称为神,心灵与物质只是它的属性。他的主要著作有《笛卡尔哲学原理》、《神学政治论》、《伦理学》、《知性改进论》等。

    Benedict de Spinoza was among the most important of the post-Cartesian philosophers who flourished in the second half of the 17th century. He made significant contributions in virtually every area of philosophy, and his writings reveal the influence of such divergent sources as Stoicism, Jewish Rationalism, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Descartes, and a variety of heterodox religious thinkers of his day. For this reason he is difficult to categorize, though he is usually counted, along with Descartes and Leibniz, as one of the three major Rationalists. Given Spinoza’s devaluation of sense perception as a means of acquiring knowledge, his description of a purely intellectual form of cognition, and his idealization of geometry as a model for philosophy, this categorization is fair. But it should not blind us to the eclecticism of his pursuits, nor to the striking originality of his thought.

    Among philosophers, Spinoza is best known for his Ethics, a monumental work that presents an ethical vision unfolding out of a monistic metaphysics in which God and Nature are identified. God is no longer the transcendent creator of the universe who rules it via providence, but Nature itself, understood as an infinite, necessary, and fully deterministic system of which humans are a part. Humans find happiness only through a rational understanding of this system and their place within it. On account of this and the many other provocative positions he advocates, Spinoza has remained an enormously controversial figure. For many, he is the harbinger of enlightened modernity who calls us to live by the guidance of reason. For others, he is the enemy of the traditions that sustain us and the denier of what is noble within us. After a review of Spinoza’s life and works, this article examines the main themes of his philosophy, primarily as they are set forth in the Ethics.

  • 目录
    • Part I Chapters I to V
    • Part II Chapters VI to X
    • Part III Chapters XI to XV
    • Part IV Chapters XVI to XX