• 导读
  • 《大师经典文库:太平洋的故事(英文原版)》是《房龙地理》的姊妹篇,是一部不可不读的另类历史著作。是谁最先深入太平洋?复活节岛上隐藏着怎样的神秘奇迹?传说中的南方大陆是伊甸园还是断魂乡?《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的主人公是否真有其人?让我们跟随房龙走进一个机遇与挑战、辉煌与灾难、英雄与恶棍并存的年代,听他以全新的视角讲述一段充满光荣与冒险的太平洋发现史!

  • 内容简介
  • 《太平洋的故事》是房龙的代表作之一,作者用生动的语言讲述了西方世界发现太平洋的过程。房龙作为20世纪上半叶的西方人,具有自身和时代的局限性,《太平洋的故事》中有些内容难免有失偏顿。其中包括知识上的差异,如太平洋的面积现在是179680000平方公里(约690万平方英里),而大西洋的面积约为太平洋的一半,这与房龙当时掌握的数据不同;类似的,珠穆朗玛峰现在的高度也与当时的测量数据不同,为8844.43米。另外,由于自身立场的局限,作者在书中的一些说法带有殖民主义色彩,例如称中国人为Chinaman,认为斐济原住民是劣等种族,称台湾为Formosa等。此外,文中出现的Cathay为中世纪时欧洲对中国的称呼,源于马可·波罗的游记,通常指长江以北地区;文中的MountEverest即MountQomolangma,前者是西方人对珠穆朗玛峰的称呼。我们希望读者认清房龙在此类原则问题上与我们在立场与价值观上的不同,同时正确辨识历史与当代、文学作品与客’观事实的不同。

    In this book, the author tells the history of finding the Pacific Ocean from a new vision: from the Isthmus of Panama to the serene Hill Dalian, from the Polynesian first discovery of the Pacific Ocean to Magellan's sailing trip, from the frenzy of the New World explorers to the consequent big scam causing bankruptcy of thousands of Europeans, from the miracle of Easter Island to the real life of the Robinson Crusoe's hero's prototype. Long Fang tells us the great navigators' great achievements in centuries and describes how the mysteries of the Pacific Oceans were discovered.

  • 作者简介
  • 房龙(1882~1944):荷裔美国人,著名学者。他是出色的通俗作家,在历史、文化、文明、科学等方面都有著作,而且读者众多。他是伟大的知识普及者,大师级人物。从1913年起,他开始写书,直到1921年写出《人类的故事》,一举成名,从此饮誉世界。代表作包括《宽容》、《圣经的故事》、《发明的故事》、《房龙地理》等。郁达夫曾说:房龙的笔有一种魔力,干燥无味的科学常识经他那么一写,变得娓娓动人。

    Van Loon, H.W(1882-1944), A Dutch-American historian and journalist. Born in Rotterdam, he went to the United States in19o3 to study at Cornell University. From the 1910s until his death, van Loon wrote many books, illustrating them himself. Most widely known among these is The Story of Mankind, a history of the world especially for children, which won the first Newbery Medal in i922. However, he also wrote many other very popular books aimed at young adults. As a writer he was known for emphasizing crucial historical events and giving a complete picture of individual characters, as well as the role of the arts in history.

  • 目录
    • 出版说明
    • 1 The Panama Canal
    • 2 Silent on a Bench in Darien
    • 3 The Prehistoric Pacific
    • 4 More Guesswork
    • 5 The Earliest History of Polynesia
    • 6 The Second Discovery of the Pacific
    • 7 The Quest of the Great Unknown Continent of the South
    • 8 Abel Tasman Puts New Holland on the Map
    • 9 Jacob Roggeveen
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